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Models, Ugly and a rip off

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I went on today after takin like 3 days off and saw models were added.


I have not seen admin ones because no admins were on and evryone was freekilling BUTT...


CT= Rip off of XenoGamers CSS ct models. Besides the ct model on XG was always ugly

T= they look like ugly trash, not even like t prisoners, bring back the orange jump suits! :3


Edit: IF YOU WANT, i can post pictures side by side of ct XG rip off, but dat would take about 10-15 minutes





First Pic = CS:GO HG Jailbreak CT

Second Pic = CSS XG Jailbreak CT

Third Pic = Ugly ass CS:GO HG Jailbreak t model

Edited by Dj Devil Monkey
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Well.. kind of :), not as well since xG changed their skins a few months back to have DIFFERENT police models, and have them not all be the same


EDIT: i think im going to take the your blind and on drugs options :)

Stay in school, don't do drugs.


Besides, GO just came out, and we only have 1 different skin for CTs in our CS:S JB server. Which makes illogical to have more than 1 for our CS:GO server. Seeing as it would be unfair to our honest and mature CS:S JB players

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well the models still suck, and im 13 and im already doing drugs... coffee.

I want the ct models from CSS Jailbreak ported to CS:GO <---- ATLEAST... then edited for cs:go graphical standards if possible :3


I would port it if I would get some help: https://hellsgamers.com/threads/76571-CS-GO-Modeling-help

Stuff if broken right now and the few modelers that know the tricks I have not been able to find any help.


The models on the server are NOT a rip off of xG. They must be using the same source we got ours from. Which is the modeler S-Low.

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well the models still suck, and im 13 and im already doing drugs... coffee.

I want the ct models from CSS Jailbreak ported to CS:GO <---- ATLEAST... then edited for cs:go graphical standards if possible :3


I dont think you should be making demands at all and tbh i like the model. Excellent job by whoever made it and keep up the excellent FREE work you do. I dont think people understand how much effort some of our coders, designers, and staff period put into this community.

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I think they look nice, and the only similarities the two have stem from the fact that they're both based off a cop uniform. Considering the model should be for a prison guard, I don't see how that is ripping something off unless the skins were exact replicas of xG's.

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Ok Homer, i understand. now im going to the other side agreeing with homer that the are from the same source... and also because Awwik Posted... and the pic :)

But to bad your a guy and thats not really you lol, thats prob your girlfriend/wife/ex girlfriend <-- most likely


it's his gf and none of us know why she's still around!!! Drugs are bad mm'kay

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They should be 100% the same. In fact, I'd be surprised if they weren't. You wanna know why? Because the models were made by Slow. And after a 30 second google search were the only public models for csgo jb that I could find. It's a public model. You can't rip off a public model so deal with it.

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