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My son is in the hospital!!!

Kris-tayne Vigiltore

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First off I would like to thank you all for your support and patience. I know I haven't been on with any of you playing lately nor have I been on TS or supporting the website. On Sept. 14th my first son and child was born. Along with this came a lot of time and dedication to him as well as my wife and work... not to mention we're in the middle of moving, suing the apartment complex we are leaving for negligence on maintanence with water leaks and mold as well and fire ants infesting the place and now this. My son today was just admitted into the hospital for a problem with his stomach. He's going into surgery tomorrow.... I know not many of you know me outside MMO division or LoL and BF3 and this may not affect any of you, but to those who do care and to those who can relate, I am asking for your sympathy and prayers to my son, regardless of how you might feel for me. He doesn't deserve this. This message was not meant to make any of you angry about your religious beliefs when asking for your prayers or any other personal beliefs you might have. This is my message to a community whom I cared about to ask you to extend your kindness to my son and to explain why I have been absent. Thank you all for reading this weather or not you reply!

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I hope everything works out, stay strong and think positive.


If anyone trolls this post I will shit on their life.

Edited by Vao
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If you do not mind me asking (or if you even have time, if you don't then you don't have to reply:P)

but what exactly is wrong with him? I am only curious because I've had tons of stuff go wrong with my gi system (many operations) throughout my entire life.

I hope he is ok and I am sure he is receiving excellent care.

My prayers go out to you and your son, and I hope he has a very speedy recovery.

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Cut the shit people. If I see one more flaming post in here I will write out infractions for everyone. This is a thread for someone who is having a tough time, not for you kids to have a dick measuring contest.


Kris, if there is anything I can do man, let me know.

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Again I thank you all very much for your support. Although now I don't think that the complex is the only place that were going to be suing. Once we were admitted into the hospital at 1 p.m. The nurses spent 20 minutes trying to get the Ivy in my sons on arm only to screw up and not notice for 5 hours later. 6 o'clock PM they took the Ivy out of his arm after the arm got swelled up and then took another 2 hours after their shift change to reinsert the ivy into is other arm. Here's a picture to show you all exactly how professional this hospital really is.

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Again I thank you all very much for your support. Although now I don't think that the complex is the only place that were going to be suing. Once we were admitted into the hospital at 1 p.m. The nurses spent 20 minutes trying to get the Ivy in my sons on arm only to screw up and not notice for 5 hours later. 6 o'clock PM they took the Ivy out of his arm after the arm got swelled up and then took another 2 hours after their shift change to reinsert the ivy into is other arm. Here's a picture to show you all exactly how professional this hospital really is.


Picture didn't attach right I think :(

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Again I thank you all very much for your support. Although now I don't think that the complex is the only place that were going to be suing. Once we were admitted into the hospital at 1 p.m. The nurses spent 20 minutes trying to get the Ivy in my sons on arm only to screw up and not notice for 5 hours later. 6 o'clock PM they took the Ivy out of his arm after the arm got swelled up and then took another 2 hours after their shift change to reinsert the ivy into is other arm. Here's a picture to show you all exactly how professional this hospital really is.


Thats terrible, but people make mistakes, do you really want these nurses to lose their jobs because of this incident?

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That is messed up.... Was he atleast getting the iv into the bloodstream or was it just going all over the place int he arm?

Poor little guy =/

Last year after one of my surgeries I was sleeping and was woken up by a very gay nurse...he woke me up by tripping over my iv cord and rippin it out...I hate nurses but they make mistakes. (idk if i could forgive them for your sons arm though)

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