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The "What do you wear to work" thread


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Not sure if we ever had one of these before, but post your work uniform or just what you wear to work.


As of recently, I've just been wearing a nice dress shirt and dress pants or a sports coat, sometimes a blazer, and if I'm going to a construction site, a blazer. I also wear a tie sometimes. Oh and I get all the formal wear out whenever theres a partner or board meeting. But yeah.


Edit: Don't forget the helmet lol, those things are life-savers.

Edited by Billy Mays
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Used to wear slacks and a collar shirt to work.

Now I wear my cycling shorts all day long....seriously went on a bike ride this morning and am still in these mother fuckers.

I do have a odd obsession with suits. For someone who has a lot of suits, i never get the chance to wear them so my next job will involve me wearing my suits.

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Not sure if we ever had one of these before, but post your work uniform or just what you wear to work.


As of recently, I've just been wearing a nice dress shirt and dress pants or a sports coat, sometimes a blazer, and if I'm going to a construction site, a blazer. I also wear a tie sometimes. Oh and I get all the formal wear out whenever theres a partner or board meeting. But yeah.


Well in my fake job i wear business casual, and in my real job i wear my boxers since i dont have to get out of my computer chair.

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Well in my fake job i wear business casual, and in my real job i wear my boxers since i dont have to get out of my computer chair.


I don't think thats business casual. Its somewhere in between business casual and business formal. Dress code's business formal, but no one really wears business formal.

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I don't think thats business casual. Its somewhere in between business casual and business formal. Dress code's business formal, but no one really wears business formal.


What are you even talking about?


In the office, I wear what I want. If I work from home, a robe maybe.

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