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Most embarrassing moment

The Fancy Derp >PU<

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The purpose of this thread is to let the good people at HG know your most embarrassing moment, hence the name of the thread.



One day back around 2009 i had ordered a game off ebay and i had to go pick it up at my grandma's house, but half way there i had to release a fart which as you can guess was actually well poo, at the time my 18 year old brother lived there and he was there when i had to pick it up. To make it worse the poo started to leak through my pants, fortunately enough i avoided his line of sight, got the game and got out. So long story short that was the day i lost a pair of underwear and got Sonic Genesis Collection.

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My life is a concatenation of embarrassing events.


I once fell of 2 flights of stairs during lunch break at school. People thought I was dead but I just couldnt stand up cause I was in tears laughing at my own fail. I also partially pulled down a classmate's pants cause she was the only thing I could get a hold of on my way down.


^that's one of them.


I once worked half a day (in a deli department in a supermarket) with cherry jam on my nose cause I ate something in the morning and no one told me I had something on my nose. I served like 200 customers that day.


^that's another one.

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So this one time me and my dad and my sorta step mom went to Ape Caves (a place in Washington btw) when we took a lunch break from driving we stopped at this one tourist area were there were some Asian tourists, and when it was time to go i shoved my sandwich down my throat and then i started to puke up little chunks of ham and cheese whilst the tourists were passing by.


Also i remember going to a lake with my step brothers and when we were done i took my pants off and dried off but when i was taking my pants off i kinda got stuck and doing so i fell over with my towel falling off and on the other side of the car was my step brothers girlfriend when she looked in the window she saw my little 7 year old penis and i remember her laughing along with my step brothers. ._.

Edited by The Fancy Derp >PU<
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I've got some work fail stories


Once, I went to check the level of the ice in the pop machine. The lid to the machine is just like a foot taller than me so I jumped and lifted the lid as I jumped to see inside, and it was about half full. I grabbed a bucket of ice to dump in I never actually took the lid off because I just checked and dumped the entire bucket on the lid of the machine and ice was all over the dining room.


A different time we were making dough, so i dumped the flower, water, etc into the mixing bowl. I started it up and didnt realize I left the plastic scoop in the bag of flour and had shards of plastic all throughout the batch of dough... (enough dough to make over 60 pizza's -.- )


When bringing a pizza out to a customer's table the pizza slid off the metal pan and went all over the table & got onto one of their sweatshirts


Few weeks ago I went to defrost a lasagna, forgot to take it out of the metal tin before putting it into the microwave and nearly ruined the microwave


all i can think of atm

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i've got some work fail stories


once, i went to check the level of the ice in the pop machine. The lid to the machine is just like a foot taller than me so i jumped and lifted the lid as i jumped to see inside, and it was about half full. I grabbed a bucket of ice to dump in i never actually took the lid off because i just checked and dumped the entire bucket on the lid of the machine and ice was all over the dining room.


A different time we were making dough, so i dumped the flower, water, etc into the mixing bowl. I started it up and didnt realize i left the plastic scoop in the bag of flour and had shards of plastic all throughout the batch of dough... (enough dough to make over 60 pizza's -.- )


when bringing a pizza out to a customer's table the pizza slid off the metal pan and went all over the table & got onto one of their sweatshirts


few weeks ago i went to defrost a lasagna, forgot to take it out of the metal tin before putting it into the microwave and nearly ruined the microwave


all i can think of atm



and this is why you shouldn't use drugs

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Let's see here:


When I was about 9 yrs old, My dad and I were at this one gun show getting set up the day before so we could start selling when the show opened up the next day. I was pushing a cart and instead of turning around and opening the door with my back, i pushed the cart into the door, shattering the glass. Hotel management was nice though and didn't charge my dad with a new glass.


20 yrs old, i just changed the brake pads on my car. Got in to move it, forgot to pump the brakes and backed into my sister's car denting the front quarter panel.


Those are the only two that stick out in my mind atm.

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Once when i was vacationing in Las Vegas my parents went to the casino and left me, my brother and my sister in the hotel room. They had also left us 3 instant noodles. So i got hungry and put the instant noodles on the microwave, with the plastic on and no water (idk what i was thinking) so the instant noodles stared to burn and the microwae started to get on fire so, as intelegent as i am, i started throwing water at the microwave while it was still on and it started to get on fire so then we called the lobby and they put the fire off.

Next day everyone was looking at me with.a face off dumbass

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I've got some work fail stories


Once, I went to check the level of the ice in the pop machine. The lid to the machine is just like a foot taller than me so I jumped and lifted the lid as I jumped to see inside, and it was about half full. I grabbed a bucket of ice to dump in I never actually took the lid off because I just checked and dumped the entire bucket on the lid of the machine and ice was all over the dining room.


A different time we were making dough, so i dumped the flower, water, etc into the mixing bowl. I started it up and didnt realize I left the plastic scoop in the bag of flour and had shards of plastic all throughout the batch of dough... (enough dough to make over 60 pizza's -.- )


When bringing a pizza out to a customer's table the pizza slid off the metal pan and went all over the table & got onto one of their sweatshirts


Few weeks ago I went to defrost a lasagna, forgot to take it out of the metal tin before putting it into the microwave and nearly ruined the microwave


I was at work with him for over half of these XD

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My most embarrising moment..... Well, It was a few months ago actually, I was fucking my girlfriend in my room and I (thought) everyone was asleep. When really my step sister heard a noise walked to my room opened the door and saw me on top of my girlfriend butt naked fucking her, bad part is it was one of the times I haven't used a condom in our sexual relationship (SHE WAS ON HER PERIOD BEFORE YOU YELL AT ME) I got to hear about that...... alot, and now my step sister goes out of her way to try and catch me naked. -Dayyyyyyyyysahhhhhhhh

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Probably when I sang happy birthday to a girl I liked in front of 30 other classmates in like 5th grade and was laughed at afterwords because I got a boner during it.


Muse shit his pants at work. Then rolled around in it.


Nice job being number 1 person to say this.

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^ LOL ive done that before. felt like such a jackass.. :/ but once i was walking around my apartment complex with a couple of froends and my cousin that is 2 yrs older than me. se thought it would be funny to pants me infront of them.. i was wearing basketball shorts after i jumped out of the shower so no skibbies on.. ffs, so yeah, theres a lesson to be learned here kids: MEVER GO COMMANDO!

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I've got some work fail stories


Once, I went to check the level of the ice in the pop machine. The lid to the machine is just like a foot taller than me so I jumped and lifted the lid as I jumped to see inside, and it was about half full. I grabbed a bucket of ice to dump in I never actually took the lid off because I just checked and dumped the entire bucket on the lid of the machine and ice was all over the dining room.


A different time we were making dough, so i dumped the flower, water, etc into the mixing bowl. I started it up and didnt realize I left the plastic scoop in the bag of flour and had shards of plastic all throughout the batch of dough... (enough dough to make over 60 pizza's -.- )


When bringing a pizza out to a customer's table the pizza slid off the metal pan and went all over the table & got onto one of their sweatshirts


Few weeks ago I went to defrost a lasagna, forgot to take it out of the metal tin before putting it into the microwave and nearly ruined the microwave


all i can think of atm


How are you not fired yet >.<


I was working in grocery and some guy asked me for Graval so i told him to go to Home Depot. Little did i know Graval is also a type of medicine ..................

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