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Get LoL added to ESEA!


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Just in case you guys don't know why ESEA is, its the main league (competitive ladders) for games like TF2, CSS, CS 1.6 and now CSGO.

If you guys aren't signed up, it takes 5 seconds to sign up. Once you guys sign up, please vote http://play.esea.net/index.php?s=poll&d=comments&id=818


If you don't have an esea account, you can sign up at this link - http://play.esea.net/index.php?s=upanel&d=register

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Because its a separate community, and a large one at that. I'm sure there are thousands of people that would pay $6 a month for another league to play in. Remember its not just about sitting at home and playing, this is a competitive gameplay community that hosts large tourneys and big cash prizes. Your chances of getting into a lan or tourney on esea is a lot bigger than all of the major riot tourneys.

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Why would they have this in ESEA when all you have to do is click "Play" and you can be in a game within a minute? I don't see why I would pay $6 and it not even count as elo when I win or lose.


it would be free to play as in no premium required.... they are trying to get competitive/tourneys going with the game which would require a entrance fee...

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