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Of course, we all know the CSS server is highly populated and there are always admins on and theres not that many problems about freekilling. But on the CS:GO server, there is a lot of new people and there isnt always admins on and there is sometimes derp freekillers or people who dont know how to be ct or any of the rules, or anyting like that.

We should have a new ct system that should make it so you have to be:

(Pick One)

1. -hg- or higher to be ct.

2. be a trusted player (given by divison advisor or higher[paid admins might aboose])

3. have a certain amount of playtime to be ct. (recommended 8-12 hours)

4. Its fine how it is.

All would work but:

OPTION 1 PROS: 99.99% chance of no more fk's

OPTION 1 CONS: Well known players who play off and on who are trusted cant be ct (cuzz ya cant play off and on to be in hg)

OPTION 1 NOTES: No comment


OPTION 2 PROS: Around 80% chance of no fk's. Still some could go crazy. Good System, not everyone needs to be HG

OPTION 2 CONS: Not 100% of people who are actually trusted could get a chance to receive the rank

OPTION 2 NOTES: No Comment


OPTION 3 PROS: 70% Chance Of No fk's (Still some could idle for hours and not know what to do when the time comes);less work for admins compared to 1 and 2.

OPTION 3 CONS: People could idle for ability; Higher Chance Of people going crazy and fk'in.

OPTION 2 NOTES: Recommended 8-12 Hours; -hg- and higher should automatically be given access. Also people who arent members anymore and highly trusted players should be given access.

OPTION 4: i cant even think of a reason why thats an option


OVERALL NOTES: it would require more coding, especially 2 and 3


Comments: Personally, i think this should only be implemented on CS:GO but if it is on CS:S to, hours should be global and the -hg-/above system or trusted rank should be global to (depending on if the even is agreed with)


Please comment and give opinions. Dont forget to vote 1,2,3 or 4 below!

Edited by Dj Devil Monkey
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ban op




Well, originally I would've agreed with Option 1 and Option 2 but now: answer's no. I sort of understand you, but then what's the result? No people will even come on the server. So i would disagree(I know my vote wouldn't count anyway, just giving my opinion!).


Pork, your vote always counts :3


Fine guys, close it :(

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