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I want your Jailed Reasons


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Imprisoned for hogging the maple syrup

Imprisoned for spamming AQ

Imprisoned for abusing bombs

Imprisoned for asking JJk on a date

Imprisoned for begging Faveman for rep

Imprisoned for whoring the reps

Imprisoned for may causing pain

Imprisoned for being the rotten egg

Imprisoned for raping your hand

Imprisoned for opening cells without orders

Imprisoned for bad grammar

Imprisoned for not posting on forums

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Imprisoned for being a grammar nazi

Imprisoned for doing gangnam style for no reason

Imprisoned for choosing the wrong pill

Imprisoned for bad signature picture

Imprisoned for bad memes

Imprisoned for breaking your toilet

Imprisoned for smacking your wife

Imprisoned for denied friend request

Imprisoned for bad imprisoned reasons

Imprisoned for dumb invention

Imprisoned for firing lead

Imprisoned for shooting in to the stack

Imprisoned for rage quit

Imprisoned for bad leading skills

Imprisoned for headshots

Imprisoned for too many imprisoned reasons

Imprisoned for hacking a steam account

Imprisoned for bad games on steam

Imprisoned for saying santa is fake

Imprisoned for kidnapping the easter bunny

Imprisoned for taking hobbits to isengard

Imprisoned for thinking Justin Bieber is a guy

Imprisoned for eating someones face off

Imprisoned for not liking admins

Imprisoned for abusive mutes

Imprisoned for racism

Imprisoned for killin elec chair

Imprisoned for killing red from !pd

Imprisoned for attempting to friend famous youtube people

Imprisoned for buying cell opener

Imprisoned for too many friends

Imprisoned for speling fale

Imprisoned for buying the wrong thing

Imprisoned for not passing lead on freeday

Imprisoned for bad spray

Imprisoned for not eating your vegetables

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Imprisoned for fail poke ball

Imprisoned for capturing pikachu

Imprisoned for watching furry porn

Imprisoned for asking to join Iluminati

Imprisoned for wiping out

Imprisoned for breaking windows

Imprisoned escaping from being imprisoned

Imprisoned for weird voice

Imprisoned for bad forum thread

Imprisoned for imprisoning an already imprisoned man

Imprisoned for winning big

Imprisoned for attempting to do 360 noscopes

Imprisoned for bad feed back

Imprisoned for thinking this is COD

Imprisoned for mai blue eyes

Imprisoned for asking a hobo for money

Imprisoned for running kids over

Imprisoned for bathing in your own blood

Imprisoned for thinking it's a booty hole

Imprisoned for saying everything is gross

Imprisoned for disbelief in the tooth fairy

Imprisoned for whining about high voices

Imprisoned for rapping in a love song

Imprisoned for bad acting skills

Imprisoned for bad rhyming

Imprisoned for unfair reasons

Imprisoned for bad way to win`

Imprisoned for not paying attention

Imprisoned for being a sexist

Imprisoned for getting denied to FaZe

Imprisoned for thinking you can win

Imprisoned for not knowing your alphabets


Imprisoned for making my turkey sandwich wrong

Imprisoned for bad movie choices

Imprisoned for bad jokes for the king

Imprisoned for saying YOU SHALL NOT PASS

Imprisoned for winning against the law

Imprisoned for tripping

Imprisoned for catching your breath at the wrong time

Imprisoned for faceplanting

Imprisoned for setting your self on fire

Imprisoned for saying you can't do it

Imprisoned for bad "thats what she said" jokes

Imprisoned for bad yo mama jokes

Imprisoned for bad jumping

Imprisoned for not enough time

Imprisoned for arguing with Judge Judy

Imprisoned for thinking winning Wipeout

Imprisoned for being a nerd

Imprisoned for thinking you're smart

Imprisoned for buying the wrong ingredients

Imprisoned for not donating to your gang

Imprisoned for liking turtles

Imprisoned for showing off your peepee

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In prison for pre ordering black ops 2: prestige edition

In prison for bailing on your 50-50 rail grind

In prison for not knowing what a 50-50 rail grind is

In prison for saying swag

In prison because you don't live only once

Edited by Awkward
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  • Fuck you
  • Imprisoned for being you
  • Imprisoned for having a small penis
  • Imprisoned for not being a ct
  • Imprisoned for not knowing that "!queue" is the command for ct waitlist
  • Imprisoned for doing shitty reasons
  • Imprisoned cause i have no imagination
  • Imprisoned cause you dont watch Spongbob
  • Imprisoned for not reading the motd
  • Imprisoned for not prasing the admins

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Imprisoned for... wait I should be guarding the prisoners....

Imprisoned cause, like, were like, imprisoned for like, pimping your car.

Imprisoned for playing outdated RPG games

Imprisoned for nothing but weed

Imprisoned for playing a bad song on your ipod

Imprisoned for jumping into obs water

Imprisoned for cheating during LR

Imprisoned for reading these imprisoned reasons

Imprisoned for too many distractions

Imprisoned for bad corner kicks

Imprisoned for accidentally shooting someone in the balls

Imprisoned for weird hat

Imprisoned for unbanning banned games

Imprisoned for bad french

Imprisoned for liking GI-JOSE

Imprisoned for eating too many tacos

Imprisoned for sticking burritos up your ass

Imprisoned for not usin auto correct

Imprisoned for wait.. what?

Imprisoned for thinking you did a good move

Imprisoned for using too many smiley faces

Imprisoned for weird abbrievations

Imprisoned for having a bad name

Imprisoned for making fun of names

Imprisoned for recording bad videos

Imprisoned for 0 subscribers

Imprisoned for thinking you could survive Archer's bomb

Imprisoned for copying imprisoned ideas

Imprisoned for copyright issues

Imprisoned for stealing games

Imprisoned for stealing memes

Imprisoned for hacking the server for rep

I need to stop posting imprisoned reasons -Canadian Bastard

Imprisoned for saying yacht wrong

iMpriSoned for cAPs in the WrONG pLAcE

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