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Thq Humble Bundle


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Naming your price, starting at 1$, you can get Metro 2033, darksiders, red faction armageddon, and company of heroes + opposing fronts and tales of valor.


That's a lot of game for a dollar. Also, paying the above average price (currently 5.73$) will get you a copy of saints row the third.


This is definitely worth it. Also, you can divide up how much of the money you pay goes to THQ, how much goes to charity, and how much gets tipped to humble bundle inc.


Just a note all of of these games are steam keys and for windows only. This humble bundle is available for 12 more days.



Well guys, this is an insane deal. I'm surely getting these in a few days.

Edited by Poohunter
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Wow... I can't afford much more then a dollar atm but when christmas comes around im donating a hell of alot more.

EDIT: I already have company of heroes and just redeemed my key for the games, how can i get the company of heroes copy to give to my friend?

Edited by randos
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Wow... I can't afford much more then a dollar atm but when christmas comes around im donating a hell of alot more.

EDIT: I already have company of heroes and just redeemed my key for the games, how can i get the company of heroes copy to give to my friend?


I think since you already have the game in your steam it would go to your inventory or something else...

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