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If All Of Hg Went To School Together.....


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I would bully dark for his lunch money >.<, smoke weed behind the bleachers with kinta and mcwillz or anyone else who would want to, I would sit next to laz and copy off his test and play sports with faithless :)



maybe even sit in the parking lot with my mustang and shows everyone how beast my car is >:) hahueuheuehueheuehu

Edited by baM_baM
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Principal would be Homer

Administrative staff would be the rest of Council: Bort, Enigma, Clark, Lamp, Monkey, Shulgi, etc

Teachers would be: uM and [L]

The Prefects would be the Advisors

Rest of HG would be the students :3

Edited by Dolan
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  On 12/18/2012 at 5:20 PM, Dolan said:

Principal would be Homer

Administrative staff would be the rest of Council: Bort, Enigma, Clark, Lamp, Monkey, Shulgi, etc

Teachers would be: uM and [L]

The Prefects would be the Advisors

Rest of HG would be the students :3


What the devil is a prefect?

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  On 12/18/2012 at 5:20 PM, Dolan said:

Principal would be Homer

Administrative staff would be the rest of Council: Bort, Enigma, Clark, Lamp, Monkey, Shulgi, etc

Teachers would be: uM and [L]

The Prefects would be the Advisors

Rest of HG would be the students :3


i think the advisor's would be teacher's pets >.< hahahaha

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