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Debunking Some Gun Myths


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"A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government." - George Washington


Who is this George Washington guy? Seems like he might've known what the intent of the second amendment couldve been about...

Edited by zidian
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And a question for everyone. Have you guys actually read the links I put on my original post? Granted, it is pro-gun jargon, but its main intent is to give facts which go against what most reports now-a-days state. Please read them, I beg of you.

Edited by zidian
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Who is this George Washington guy? Seems like he might've known what the intent of the second amendment couldve been about...

When the declaration of independence was written, George Washington was a general, he was not a politician, he didn't even have a say in how the bill of writes was written, so this point is quite moot; also, the right to bare arms wasn't really created by any founding father, it was adopted from the english bill of rights.

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When the declaration of independence was written, George Washington was a general, he was not a politician, he didn't even have a say in how the bill of writes was written, so this point is quite moot; also, the right to bare arms wasn't really created by any founding father, it was adopted from the english bill of rights.

For someone that wasn't a "politician" he sure as hell set a dam good standard for how long one should serve in the office, create a good foreign policy, and warn about political parties. Look at where we are now where a bi-partisan congress which is constantly butting heads in an attempt to stonewall the other party out of power.

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  • Executive Council

Just, everyone.


Read this: http://www.guncite.c...rpt/senrpt.html


The next amendment is: "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state' date=' the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

The importance of this article will scarcely be doubted by any persons, who have duly reflected upon the subject. The militia is the natural defense of a free country against sudden foreign invasions, domestic insurrections, and domestic usurpation of power by rulers. It is against sound policy for a free people to keep up large military establishments and standing armies in time of peace, both from the enormous expenses, with which they are attended, and the facile means, which they afford to ambitious and unprincipled rulers, to subvert the government, or trample upon the rights of the people. The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered, as the palladium of the liberties of a republic; since it offers a strong moral check against the usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers; and will generally, even if these are successful in the first instance, enable the people to resist and triumph over them.[/quote']


Quote from Justice Joseph Story.


Sounds familiar to the times we live in doesn't it?

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Didn't say that they could own assault rifles. Not to mention that the Supreme Court is majority conservative.


Never says you don't have the right to. Also, since my semi automatic rifle has a muzzle break, pistol grip, large capacity magazine, and a collapsible stock means I'll use it in an assault? If so, you all better watch out, I'm a pretty good shot.

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I've been trying but it's so hard to get weapons grade plutonium legally. Japan, here I come.


P.S. For all the terrorist watch people reading this forum, it's a joke. Please don't detain me and water board me, I don't know anything.

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Doesn't say you can't have nuclear arms. They are arms too, because when my government turns tyrannical, I want to have my nukes.

Because indvidual parts of a gun are harmful to those and those around you right?

A nuclear bomb isn't a weapon itself just the ammunition for one. Kind've why it's called a bomb. I don't think you have the right to own a military grade nuclear submarine, fully functioning missle complex, or aircraft carrier.

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Because indvidual parts of a gun are harmful to those and those around you right?

A nuclear bomb isn't a weapon itself just the ammunition for one.Kind've why it's called a bomb.

Well ya, bombs are considered ammunition, but given that he wants large capacity magazines, then I should be able to own a working silo, with long range projectiles. Both are arms and ammunition made for war.

I don't think you have the right to own a military grade nuclear submarine, fully functioning missle complex, or aircraft carrier.

Well this is quite my point exactly, a nuclear missle/other projectiles are made for war and specifically to kill mass amounts of people. The entire category of assault rifles are made not to hunt game , home defense, or even for recreational purposes, but for war. The first assault rifle is generally considered to be the stg 44 which was made by the nazis for WWII.

M16? Vietnam.

And an Ar-10 is a battle rifle for gods sake

There is absolutely no reason why you should have to hunt with one of these, as remington 280 will blow an ar-15 out of the water any day with deer hunting. And to try to use one of these in close quarters like your home for defense is above stupidity.


Perhaps using the nuclear arms as a hyperbole might have lost you, but both of these are definitely not made for any honest intention.

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  • Executive Council

The point is that the 2nd Amendment is designed to protect the populations ability to go to war.


You seem to be misunderstanding. The 2nd Amendment has NOTHING to do with hunting. Its designed to allow a population to overthrow the government.

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For someone that wasn't a "politician" he sure as hell set a dam good standard for how long one should serve in the office, create a good foreign policy, and warn about political parties. Look at where we are now where a bi-partisan congress which is constantly butting heads in an attempt to stonewall the other party out of power.


because he surrounded himself with smart politicians like Ben Franklin and John Adams. And its also not like he decided four year was enough. He just knew that surviving for life was a bad idea and just like England.

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The point is that the 2nd Amendment is designed to protect the populations ability to go to war.


You seem to be misunderstanding. The 2nd Amendment has NOTHING to do with hunting. Its designed to allow a population to overthrow the government.

Then I should be allowed to have ballistic missles.

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  • Executive Council

Then I should be allowed to have ballistic missles.


The idea was the firearms a soldier carries would be protected. I really have no idea why your jumping on bombs.

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  • Executive Council

Machine guns are very heavily regulated. But they are not banned and cannot be banned.


I believe the current laws on the books about them to be unconstitutional but so far the courts have not agreed.

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  • Executive Council

I'm curious how people that are against regulations think we should go about protecting people in instances like school shootings.


By not disarming law-abiding citizens in those zones would be the first step.

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Machine guns are very heavily regulated. But they are not banned and cannot be banned.


I believe the current laws on the books about them to be unconstitutional but so far the courts have not agreed.


The issue is most gun owners are not viewing this in the big picture and localizing the issue to only themselves. True, you understand how to properly and safely operate a weapon however your neighbor next door might not. It is the minority who writes the rule for the majority because the minority requires very little effort to effect the majority in a major way. To relate to HG for example, we don't hand out admin to anyone who up and asks for it. You have to either pay for a limited administrative role with the payment preventing a significant amount of abuse or you earn admin on your merit. We don't give admin away because while the guy who asks for it may be very capable and do a good job, not everyone will fill that bill. Then it only takes one person to go and start mass banning the entire server effecting the majority of our players. However, here instead of banning were talking about people dying on a massive scale and the limited payment method being gun regulation (Universal Background checks) and pistols / shotguns. Maybe after a few years of owning one of the lower tiered weapons you earn the ability to apply for a more extended license but it shouldn't be a straight path to the top. That is when the abuse occurs.

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