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What Do You Guy's Do On Weekdays/weekends?


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just was seeing what you guy's get up to really?


I mean i work 9-4:30 Monday - Friday


I'm a Sales Executive


do i like my job? umm yeah i suppose i do.


on friday nights it either pub, clubbing, raving etc..


Saturday possible go to nice cafe in morning to soak up the hangover haha then chill on HG formus and play some css, then bout 7pm head up pub again n sunday just chill out cook a roast :D!

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1.Wake up

2.Go to school

3.Come home

4.Do homework

5.Game like there's no tomorwow!



1.Wake up

2. Game like there's no tomorwow!

4.I mostly hang with my friends during saturdays

3.soccer game

4.Game like there's no tomorwow!



1.Wake up

2.I mostly hang with my friends during sundays

3.and then other times i game like there's no tomorwow :P


kthnx bye :D

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Most of my free time is devoted to being in the studio (unfortunately Blue October is recording at our studio, so we don't have access to Room A). When I'm not doing that, I am practicing my solo pieces and lab band charts on saxophone. But when that isn't happening, I'll hit up the record store, comic book store (which recently has moved farther away from me. FUCK.), or I'll hit up a Pathfinder game with friends or mountain bike.


Unfortunately, I don't game that much anymore. Which does suck, cause I never get you see y'all. I don't know anyone on teamspeak anymore cause a lot of others have left as well. Its a bit lonely...

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