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not abuse [Hg] Mr Hugh Janus #propain


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Demo of what happened a few mins ago



1. Abuser name: [HG] Mr Hugh Janus #ProPAIN

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_1:1:59150256

3. What server: CSGO : [HG] Jailbreak

4. About what time: 1:25am-1:35am CST (roughly) April 8, 2013

5. PROOF: demo attached

6. Please tell us about the incident: [not in demo] Saw Hugh Janus mute someone for voicing their opinion, (aka saying bad lead), then saw Hugh kick Samsta for firing and saying fa****. [in demo] Attempted to explain to hugh janus that they were only voicing opinions, he claimed disrespect which in samsta's case seemed slightly relevant. Hugh comes to the point of threatening to ban me. However we finally make it to LR and I am not even talking about the situation, merely talking, I am warned that I will be muted, I explain that on LR I am allowed to use my mic and that muting me would be against the rules. Hugh quickly mutes me for the round for only saying this. The mute on myself was blatant abuse, and I warranted no such action as the demo will prove.


Thanks for your time division leaders


Edited by Trixus
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Alright 1st I warned Carlos twice to stop talking even if it wasn't always over me he was still mic spamming 2nd Samsta directed the fa**** directly towards me so i kicked him for disrespect. Then Trixus starts saying that oh i'm abusing so i told him 4 times to take it to admin chat so hes not spamming mic, he didn't so I muted him. Keep in mind this had been going on for some time before which is why I thought it appropriate.

Edited by Mr Hugh Janus
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You were disrespected to be called a bundle of sticks?


Its arguable that I upset your feelings SO MUCH that you felt you had to kick me. So if I really did HURT YOUR FEELINGS that much, then my kick is acceptable. But when Trixus has LR, he has authority to speak.


He was not disrespectful in any way. He commented on how YOU WERE ABUSING ADMIN POWERS. You then threatened to BAN HIM, then proceeded to mute him. All he wanted to do was voice his opinion. In no way shape or form was it using any slanderous words, or any profuse language.


You are the one who is disrespectful above all else.

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So first you said you muted me for being disrespectful. Then when people said I wasn't being disrespectful you said you muted me for mic spamming. That does not seem very legitimate to me. Multiple people were against you and then you kept arguing in server when we even told you to just take it to admin chat. Not only that but you muted Trixius during LR because he was "Mic spamming" when he has every right to talk as much as he wants during LR and you only muted him when he was talking about your abuse of admin.

Edited by JayTee13
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Saul I do agree with you too some of the Ts were antagonizing him but that wasn't related to the situation we are reporting. In fact none of them had to do with the argument they were just trolling. But from what I noticed other than Samsta's incident was he only really used the powers on people that were calling him out on abuse which clearly aggravated him because he felt he wasn't abusing. I just think he should be a little more cautious with his disciplinary actions rather than resorting to admin commands so quickly. He should at the very least be given a warning and a few lessons on being a Jailbreak admin.

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The only time he uses admin in the demo provided is when he mutes @all for talking over lead twice, and muting you after you refused to drop it. He told you to stop making a scene infront of the entire server multiple times (atleast 3 via voice) and you refused to stop. Eventually he muted you after several warnings. The rest of the demo lacks context, and i cannot hear what you're saying since demos don't record your own voice (unless you enable loop_feedback).


WIth the proof provided this is not abuse. Instead of antagonizing the situation maybe you should take it upon yourself to be more mature, and silently get proof of actual abuse rather than egging it on.


Not abuse.

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