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Something I Would Like To Inform People About.


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For the past two years that i have been apart of this forum, i have noticed some great changes within this interesting community. People leaving, people joining, people getting promoted, people getting demoted and people attacking us, it's been quite a 2 years for HG and myself. For most of the time i spent here, i was mainly a Jail-breaker (Like most of us that are within this Community) but soon parted way from jailbreak and CSS all together. For the last year, i have been playing TF2 and have not been playing on any HG servers. Every server i have been in, at least one person asks me if i am actually a part of HG. And once i say yes, i get nothing but complements about the servers in which we run. From Css to TF2, people always say that we have some of the best server. May it be because of the quality of the servers, the people who become regulars and then join the group or because of the staff that runs the severs and keeps everyone happy, people just say are servers are better over all. So for this, i tip my hat to you HG. For being one of the best communities around and allowing me to witness its growth.

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People at other servers hate my dick because its too big and strong for them #2Stroooonkkkk


Whenever im in another community's server people start cussing at me cause most of them are permabanned

Edited by Dolan
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