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Do You Bros Even Smoke Kush


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you are the most badass on hg, you're 15 and you talk about drugs, sex, and college parties.




You seem to have a habit of making fucking stupid threads.


Better then the other threads i usually see on here

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Any time either in the forums or in game i see//hear people talking about how badass they are cause they smoke weed instantly makes me think they are either a burn out dumbfuck or a 12 year old trying to be cool.


Its something a majority of the population as tried at least once and the reason most of us move on is because its stupid. Its fun when you have no responsibilities and nothing to do through high school, as i did, but after that theres no reason. If you occasional recreationally smoke it thats one thing but the 420BLAZEITFGTSxxx420 people make me wish we could put down stupid fucking people.

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Any time either in the forums or in game i see//hear people talking about how badass they are cause they smoke weed instantly makes me think they are either a burn out dumbfuck or a 12 year old trying to be cool.


Its something a majority of the population as tried at least once and the reason most of us move on is because its stupid. Its fun when you have no responsibilities and nothing to do through high school, as i did, but after that theres no reason. If you occasional recreationally smoke it thats one thing but the 420BLAZEITFGTSxxx420 people make me wish we could put down stupid fucking people.



Edited by The Dark Knight
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Any time either in the forums or in game i see//hear people talking about how badass they are cause they smoke weed instantly makes me think they are either a burn out dumbfuck or a 12 year old trying to be cool.


Its something a majority of the population as tried at least once and the reason most of us move on is because its stupid. Its fun when you have no responsibilities and nothing to do through high school, as i did, but after that theres no reason. If you occasional recreationally smoke it thats one thing but the 420BLAZEITFGTSxxx420 people make me wish we could put down stupid fucking people.




[spoiler=Lol]Hi! You obviously don't know me. I don't smoke weed, this thread is just a joke since HG needs to laugh every once in a while :P


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