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New Player Models In Go Jb Glitchy

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The server crashed not too long ago, once it was restarted I noticed my player models were different. Like the models you'd see in DM for admin/vip. These models show the player as not having any weapons, or knife, when using sm_view for third person. Other players told me the same thing from their perspective. Players on my team told me my name does not appear above my head and that my mic icon appears on my chest when speaking. Primary weapons do show on my back using sm_view but players in the server told me my weapons and knife appear to be at my feet.


Attached are some screen shots..





Here are some more screen shots I got of an admin.




Edited by Image Ex
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Also these new skins dont fit in JB....

Not for CSGO or CSS.

For CSS, everyone loves the idea of having a T VIP and an Admin skin just like CT's, but these new once... they cause alot of confusion because they look tomuch like CTs. and didnt i say they dont fit in a JB map, because they dont.

Edited by Delink
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