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As you all may I know I have been banned for a week. Joker trolled me and played a song which lyrics contained " FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU" which apparently is allowed. I respond by calling him " a fag" and I get a week ban?




Instant Noodles admitted we Joker and I were both in the wrong, I agree with him. But how come I have a week long ban and he has no punishment? Let flip the script if I played that song and said this is dedicated to anyone that lives in Canada, or anyone that has been in the army, or anyone whos an admin I would have been banned instantly. So lets at least be consistent if I demo someone calling someone else a fag they will be banned for a week? Or if i play a song dedicating to all the CTs that says FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU nothing will happen to me?



So basically I want to appeal this ban. If the dude doesn't talk to me I don't talk to him. The problem is he constantly trolls me which of course I always troll back. Yet only one is punished.

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