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reviewed Kaos's Abuse Report

YoItz Real

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1. Abuser name: Kaos

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:1:11053509

3. What server: [HG] 24/7 Minigames

4. About what time: 8:15

5. PROOF: post-20244-0-48079300-1378083098_thumb.jpg

6. Please tell us about the incident: so when we were in a knife arena map people were betting on players how much like Kaos or someone else to kick PuppyPaws (An Admin) if Kaos won he match

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We both agreed, He'll be in here im sure. The reason we did the bet is because i had 7+ hours on minigame server, and was trying to see how long i could get on there. Ill provide a screenshot of my 7+ hours in a moment. If this isnt allowed im sorry and will take the punishment whatever it is, but we did both agree on it.

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Screenshot of time: 2m6nzhk.jpg

I understand if this wasnt allowed. At the time it sounded like a fun idea. (everyone likes power)

But, again, if it wasnt allowed, ill take the punishment and not make a fus about it.

also, thanks for breaking my 8 hour streak archer >.>


Edited by Kaos
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Archer, idk if you saw or not, but i edited a post above yours, cause it was a repost.

I understand what i did was wrong, but i would like to break it down here.

We were making bets on people knife fighting, when i came up i was waiting kinda hyping up the fight (2 admins vs each other), someone made the comment "the bet should be whoever looses gets kicked by the other"

Of course everyone was like "yeah!!"

So we agreed. I've recently learned that even with permission from both parties, this isn't allowed. At the time it wasn't a big deal, and it shouldn't have become a big deal, and i would assume the only reason its a deal now is because it was brought to the forums and if you guys said it wasn't abuse, admins would go using powers on each other and stuff, and you would have a lot more abuse reports on your hands.

But the reason this was brought to the forums is because "YoItz Real" isn't a fan of me. The last time he was on the minigames server with me he did something stupid and threatened to use his powers on a player even though they were doing nothing wrong. He then admitted that he hardly ever plays counter strike (if you look at his profile hes only had steam for a month) When i told him not to and that it wouldnt be allowed he got angry and we had a little dispute, people were saying hurtful things, and from then on he didnt like me, ive only seen him in the server 2 or 3 times including today. (i know this doesnt matter but i feel like it does)

Really, If you want to revoke my admin because of this, i dont mind, i did something wrong, its not going to ruin my life or anything. I would really just like to be unbanned so i can go play minigames again :(

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Here's what you're supposed to say.


"We meant no harm, it was a mutual agreement out of fun and to make the players laugh, i understand now that its not appropriate and I assure you it won't happen again."


and then maybe add some frowny faces

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We meant no harm, it was a mutual agrement out of fun and to make the players laugh, I understand now that its not appropriate and i assure you it won't happen again!


-Im sorry


Seriously though, I wasnt aware we werent allowed to do this, it wont happen again

Edited by Kaos
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