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My Introduction


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Hello everyone,


I go by the name of "Orion". I was in HG for about one year and got into troubles. Well, I do not want to talk much about it since I am making this: A new fresh start. I used to be a Jailbreak guy, now I am more into the real game (if I can call it that way) such as office, d2, etc. I own a few games, like BO2, CS:GO, CS:S, Garry's mod, Arma 2, and so on.


Also to talk about myself a little bit, I am french from Canada. I can say that I love English more than French yet I still make many mistakes and I would like to apologize for that. I am a musician, who plays in a few bands and I couldn't live without music. I am currently studying computer stuff in college and I am trying to learn how to code websites in html5, css3, php, javascript, ajax and jquery. So if any of you can help me out when I have projects or just even give me an hand or show me some stuff, I would really appreciate.


I am very happy that I got accepted into HG again, and hopefully I can meet new people and enjoy myself since it's what matters most to me.


Can't wait to start gaming with you guys and girls and talk to you in ts3.


- Orion

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Thank you everyone. I really appreciate the warm welcome!


  On 9/3/2013 at 2:01 AM, Monk said:

Welcome to hg again....


Everyone fucks up, no need to feel ashamed by it. Chances are no one even remembers it :D


Hope to see you on Garrys Mod cause perp > CSS :P




You are right, but I still got to live with it. And yeah, we can play in gmod, I'll install the game! I look foward for this!

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