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tf2 Admin Presence

The Great Jeez

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TF2 Jailbreak is actually pretty fun, but there are a couple of problems when no admins are around. There will be guys that stay on ct shoot a guy get auto slayed then keep doing so for a long time. Free-shooting is extremely common when no admins are on, and the problem is a majority of the time no admins are on. Some admins are on (not gonna give names) but are just idling for rep. I would just like to see some more admin presence on the server. To be totally honest I really would get admin for the server but then I'd be giving HG double what I do now which is not a situation I am financially able to afford easily. I'd love to hear back and thanks for reading if you did!

-Keep it Jeezy

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What I'm wondering is why this is in the CS:S section.. When you started off by saying "TF2"...

Anyway, The best thing you can do is post a ban on tlist.


Find Leadership. They will help you. Especially Reddevil, he doesn't fuck around. xD


Because this is still the jailbreak section. Hence the [TF2] prefix.

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