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Competitive Matchmaking Guide *work In Progress*

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Competitive Matchmaking Guide by Soulmate


This guide will highlight essential characteristics needed to play competitive matchmaking (successfully).


• Communication

• Attitude & mindset

• Constructing your team

• Aiming/mouse control

• Selecting maps & team readiness






This pretty much applies to most team games, communication with your team is key.


a. Always be sure to call out where you spot or hear enemies, just make sure you know what the location they're at is called on whatever map is being played. (tip: Listen for footsteps, reloading, bomb being planted/defused)


b. Let your teammates know what role you're going to be playing, and where exactly on the map you plan on playing/currently are. That way if you die, your teammates will have a general idea as to where the enemies are playing. On top of that, if you call for backup, your teammates will have a better sense of which routes to take and which not to take, as well as exactly where it is you're pinned down or in need of help.


c. Be as accurate as you can be, don't make a call unless you're confident in it.


d. Try to make your call-outs as clear and concise as you can. This way you're not talking over potential sounds the enemies are making.


Additional Things: If you don't have a mic, try to work out a communication system with your team (perhaps using the z,x,c keys, or just type out what you'll do after buying.




Your attitude when playing competitive can absolutely affect your gameplay (positively and negatively), so its important to follow some of these tips while playing.


a. Don't be a toxic player. What is a toxic player? Someone who consistently flames & blames their teammates for mistakes they've made. Toxicity will only cause other players to get frustrated or upset, which usually results in them not caring about the game anymore, or not being able to play to their best potential. All it'll do for you is break your team apart and make you an unwanted player to queue up with. Try to limit your raging as much as possible.


b. Think positively. This can go for a lot of situations. Just because you lost the eco-round & following 2, doesn't necessarily mean its over. Games go to 16 wins, that's plenty of time to make comebacks. Don't get upset if you mess up or if a teammate messes up. Identify your mistake/flaw, and work on it; try your best not to replicate it.


c. Compliment your teammates for what they're doing right. Its always good to acknowledge your team for their positive characteristics, as opposed to being negative all the time.


d. Take the initiative and be a leader, if there's no organization in your gameplay & on the team, think about what you can do to change that and execute it. If no one is calling out strats/plans for a round, be that person to do so. If your plan goes wrong, improvise and if its too late for that, don't worry. It was just one loss.


e. Don't play when influenced by emotions such as anger or sadness. If you're feeling out of esteem, its likely your gameplay will be worse. Especially if you're angry/frustrated at the game, the more you play, the more angry & stressed you'll get. Try to keep calm & don't let things get to you. After all, it is just a game.





If you decide to queue up in matchmaking with some other people, here are some things to consider.


a. Find people with the same goal as you. Whether your goal is just playing for shits & giggles, or you want to get better at the game, its always good to be on the same page as your teammates.


b. Try to find players that are around the same skill level as you are (this doesn't necessarily mean rank), but that way you'll feel comfortable in terms of who you'll be playing against and will be more likely to be matched up with people at your skill level.


c. Find people who you enjoy playing with, always nice to have a good time while playing.


Additional Things: Don't be afraid to stray away from playing with your IRL (or online friends) who you feel don't would be the best teammates for you to have in order to get better. Because we all have that silver 3 friend who we just HAVE to invite.





One problem I've noticed amongst a lot of players is they're unable to control their mouse movement/sensitivity or are unsure where to aim for.


a. Aim is sort of hard to really teach, rather something gained by experience, or even watching other players. I'd advise looking at professional matches to get a feel for where to aim in particular locations on the map.


b. If you have trouble aiming, its likely that your sensitivity is too high. Adjust your sensitivity/DPI for a smoother mouse control, that way you'll have more of a grip when aiming. This also can depend on how large your mouse pad is & how much spare you have to move your mouse.


c. Turn off your mouse acceleration & rawinput. The console commands are:


m_rawinput 0;|
m_mouseaccel1 0;
m_mouseaccel2 0;
m_mouseaccel3 0;


The reasons why I disable rawinput, is because I've noticed the x-axis sensitivity & y-axis sensitivity are a bit different, its not consistent. This may be a result of me playing on 1920x1080 resolution, but it just doesn't feel as smooth or fluid when I'm aiming with it enabled.


In all, you generally want your mouse movement to be as consistently smooth as possible. This way you're always sure of how far to swipe your mouse.





Before queuing up with your friends, team, whatever group of friends you decide to play competitive with, you should




a. Is the majority in the lobby comfortable with the maps to be played on?


b. How knowledgeable is your team when it comes to call outs?


c. Is your team worse on CT/T on a certain map, and how will you deal with whichever?


d. Do most have a mutual latency, (not host with 10, everyone else with 150ping)?


e. Is everyone ready to play the full match, and not have to knowingly leave before starting the match?


f. Are most teammates warmed up?



*Work In Progress* More to be added later.

Edited by Soulmate
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  On 1/16/2014 at 10:14 PM, Dode said:

Call to early usually


best advice I can give for this is only call the number of enemies you see. Avoid generalizing "they're ramp" and be more precise. If you say that "they're all there" make sure that you counted right and they actually all are. Chances are they are just working picks and will just be getting a frag and falling back. If you're killed use your deathcam to make calls and speculate on what you think they're doing. If at first you only saw 1 guy and he killed you and suddenly 2 more come around the corner chances are they are executing on whatever position you were killed. Idk if this makes any sense lol but another thing that may help is if you watch scrims or matches on twitch and see how they communicate as a team incorporate those calls into your play.

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  On 1/16/2014 at 11:28 PM, mccaincracker said:

best advice I can give for this is only call the number of enemies you see. Avoid generalizing "they're ramp" and be more precise. If you say that "they're all there" make sure that you counted right and they actually all are. Chances are they are just working picks and will just be getting a frag and falling back. If you're killed use your deathcam to make calls and speculate on what you think they're doing. If at first you only saw 1 guy and he killed you and suddenly 2 more come around the corner chances are they are executing on whatever position you were killed. Idk if this makes any sense lol but another thing that may help is if you watch scrims or matches on twitch and see how they communicate as a team incorporate those calls into your play.

I can usually count them right and all that but when it comes to the part of speculating where they might be heading i will make mistakes and be giving out false info that might get a teammate killed


But thank youf or the tip ill work on it

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  On 1/19/2014 at 5:56 PM, Killuminati said:

I thought raw input was to be on


I don't know, maybe it depends on the resolution you play on. When I have it on, I definitely feel an awkward ratio of sensitivity between the y axis & x axis, the x seems fine but y is weird as fuck.


I shall further research the topic.

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  On 2/11/2014 at 6:00 PM, ♥ Mr. Swede ♥ said:

The one and only way to win:


Get a good start, blame team for losing, you don't get any more kills the whole game, blame the team, stop playing competitive for ever and then join JB since people there can't aim for sheit and then you will feel good again!


Sounds like my last match, was 19-4 by the 5th round and all the bottomfragger was doing was calling me bad. Got a 4K, didn't ace and then almost got votekicked hue.

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