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Steam "admin" Person.

C4NADIAN Bastard

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Alright, so, I wake up 7 in the morning, friend request from some guy faking to be a Steam Admin. If not for the BowlCut appreciation group, (and the fact that I'm not dumb) I would've of accepted, as I'm pretty sure STEAM'S Admins would want to stay incognito. I don't know who this guy is, but I'm pretty sure he tried to steal my info, if you see him add you, decline it as he'll most likely try attempts to phish your account. He has no friends in common with me, so he might not be in HG as plenty of people on my list are from HG. I don't know if it's some joke from an HG member that I haven't heard of, but just thought I'd let you know.


STEAMID: STEAM_0:0:39595553

Steam Page: http://steamcommunit...561198039456834

Edited by Jester da Molester
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