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pending further review Unban


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ascii claims I was playing 'coonsex' video in tinychat but will not give me any proof upon request

4:00 PM - cooooooooooooooooooooooooookie: proof please

4:01 PM - HG | ASCII [L]: do an unban request

4:01 PM - HG | ASCII [L]: :)

4:01 PM - cooooooooooooooooooooooooookie: i would like to see the proof infront of me the create a claim of my innocence

4:01 PM - cooooooooooooooooooooooooookie: please profide such proof

4:02 PM - cooooooooooooooooooooooooookie: provide*

4:02 PM - HG | ASCII [L]: we will leave that to the forums ;)

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Lets see, Cookie after I brought up the video and that I was going to crossreference the ips with what we have in our database, you let me know "go ahead and do it, I will do the same for you". So I dont take threats lightly. If uM+ wanna get involved fine, I wont, my decision stands.

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"go ahead and do it, I will do the same for you".

I don't believe I said that, the only thing I said that was even close to that was me saying that I was going to call the cops on kiljoy for showing marijuana on cam, but again I was not banned for threatening you, my ban reason was "do not ever play the coonsex video again thank you", So I need to see such proof to properly defend myself, I hope you did 'cross reference' my ip to said video because I would really like to see that.

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Nah you warned me, and then disconnected. I hate to see this crap becuase I used to like to gaming with you, but I am not gonna be take a threat lightly. Let this up to uM+.

I do not see a reason to lie, I never threatened you and you know it and so does the 10 other people in the jailbreak channel, after the channel dimmed down and everyone stopped laughing and I got bored I left to go to the minecraft survival channel, I did not leave the teamspeak server as you say, I would still like to see the proof that I put up that original video because your attempt to slander me by saying I threatened you is completely unfounded.

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Why would we believe that ASCII is lying in this case? What does he have to gain with you being banned?

No clue, he doesn't have proof to ban me so he makes false claims?

Not to mention you do that alot, i myself have witnessed you do that before.

I haven't denied anything at all, ascii claimed he had proof of me doing such actions yet cannot provide such proof and the ban reason was for what happened in tiny chat, not for threatening him right? It makes me think that it was a last ditch effort after he was frustrated he had no basis to go off of the unjustifiable ban other than he say she say

The only thing I've asked for was for proof for my ban, the only thing I have denied was threatening ascii.

Edited by Cookie
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So are you saying that you did do it?

As I've said previously the only thing I explicitly deny is threatening ascii, I do not accept or deny the charges of the original ban until further proof ascii claimed he was gathering is brought forward, I cannot properly defend myself if I cannot cross examine the evidence for myself, and I will not be a witness to my own trial

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