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Just When You Think You're Safe.


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It all started with a mild stomach ache, Slight discomfort but tolerable. Was In TS3 with fellow Hellsgamers from the CSGO:division playing board game online. I was hungry and decided to eat 2 grilled cheese sandwiches ignoring the stomach pain. After playing board game online' I played 10 man with more Hellsgamers members. As the game progressed my ache began to get worse and worse. With every round my voice becoming less energetic with more ache.We lost but by the end of the game I called it quits and told everyone goodnight. My stomach had started to really bother me. I figured I could sleep it off.


It was around 6pm when the ache started and I eventually fell asleep around 11pm. Around 1 am (04/27/14) I woke up with an even worse ache. I went downstairs to look for pepto-bismo but did not have any. Instead I boiled some water and added lemon. It did not seem to help even though that normally helps get rid of my stomach aches.I went to the bathroom to try to take a shit because I had the feeling I had to but nothing was coming out, maybe I was constipated? I got in my car and drove to the nearest gas station to try to get some pepto-bismo. This ache was getting very untollerable and the pain was always constant as it progressivly grew worse by the hour. After I took the pepto bismo and went to my bed. I layed there for at least 15min googling what the stomach pain could be, looking at all the worst possibilities and probably not easing my mind. I could not take the pain anymore. It was around 2:20am when I finally decieded that I had to go to the emergency room. The best way I can describe the pain Is the feeling as if your intestines were slowly twisting continuously without stopping. Almost like when you have diarrhea but hold it in as long as you can x10.


I was very hesitant to go to the E.R. because I knew I would be throwing myself in debt but this pain was getting bad to the point I was not caring anymore. As I explained to the nurses at the E.R. what was happening they put me in a room and hooked me up to an IV. The pain was still getting progressivly worse to the point I am almost to tears. They made me drink about a liter of this fluid to come up in X-rays.Forgot the name of it but it was cherry flavor aka tasted like crap. Catscans were taken as well and had fluids injected via IV's which made my body have a warm sensation (hard to describe but my whole body felt like it was slowly starting to boil). About an hour or so later a surgeon came to my room. I was notified that I had appendicitus and that my appendix needed to get removed. (If it bursts, it kills you but thankfully mine had not gotten to that point yet)


It was around 9:30 am but all the Operating rooms were full. The next room would be available around 12:30pm. My main doctor/surgeon

was this asian guy with long hair and another doctor was an indian guy (Reddevil).When the time came around I was sent to the operating room signing many papers and being notified everything that was going to happen. The surgeons/doctors were extremely friendly and I felt very comfortable with them around. I the two main surgeons that I mentioned and the other were female surgeons. Of course the only two male surgeons were the ones to shave my stomach/crotch....yes I was naked. After I was all set up the put this mask on me and told me to take deep breaths and after a few breathsI was waking up in a completly different room. The surgery had already happened and my apendix

was removed. I do not remember anything in between as the put me to sleep. I was discharged from the hospital 04/28/14.


I won't go to many details but the recovery sucks ass. I can barely walk (I might take 5-6 steps to get passed 1 feet) aka grandpa status. Won't be able to drive, work, go to school etc etc. Most of the day I am confined to the couch. Takes me around 8-20 minutes to get off the couch by myself. I had laparoscopic appendectomy done to me. Its not fun but at least I'm still alive. If you ever feel that you are dieing, don't risk the chance and just go to the doctors. I'm a stubborn guy that thinks hes superman but I am glad I went to the hospital.




Regarding my LOA http://hellsgamers.c...s-extended-loa/, seems that everything is getting pushed back. I had no idea I was going to experience this medical emergency. but shit happens. I will be online for a few more weeks before moving. I will be in teamspeak since I won't be going anywhere.



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