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Ban Details
This ban is not currently active.
It is disapproved. Disapproved    It has expired. Passed
Ban CategoryRegular Ban
  View Steam Community Profile for 0:72703808Subject Steam ID  Lookup other bans for 0:727038080:72703808
Subject Name  Lookup other bans for [HG] Newasky[HG] Newasky
By  Lookup other bans by 44567 Lynxx
Server (And Mod)  GmodServer Unknown (Web Submitted Ban)
Datetime Added  (39mon 1wk 3d 2h 34m ago)2021-04-29 09:22 PM
Duration  (Inactive)  (Passed)2 months 4 days
39mon 1wk 3d 2h 34m ago | 2021-04-29 09:22 PM Click to get direct link to this postPost by Lynxx
HG Veteran

Unacceptable Behavior. Your racism is untolerable for an Hg member. And calling a vote in order to tell a player to kill themselves is intolerable. This is unexplainably deplorable behavior newasky. You are an HG member. You are the FACE of HG, and you act like this. https://hellsgamers.com/hgbans.php?sf=bid&so=is&st=STEAM_0%3A0%3A72703808 You have a history and yet you never learn.

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39mon 1wk 3d 2h 34m ago | 2021-04-29 09:23 PM Lynxx locked thread
39mon 1wk 3d 2h 34m ago | 2021-04-29 09:23 PM Lynxx approved ban
39mon 1wk 2d 13h 29m ago | 2021-04-30 10:28 AM a white kleiner unlocked thread
39mon 1wk 2d 12h 2m ago | 2021-04-30 11:54 AM Click to get direct link to this postPost by newasky
HG Member

Listen I don't even understand why I always have to explain myself on foolishness constantly, And ill start where my wrongs were at, by one posting the keybind & that votekick which I know I shouldn't put that reason for a votekick nor was I going to accept it if It did pass for any reason, but that guy knew what he did by destroying my prop and yes I got a bit angry but most of the time its lul's and everything I say or shit should be taken with a grain of salt, mind you that guy was already banned earlier for some shit he already did earlier. Second of all I'm getting tired of you calling me a fucking racist, stop with all this racism bullshit, like deadass cause I don't OR ever made fun of someone cause of there race or jack shit, and I'm getting quite fond of your antics Lynnx, if you saw that when I said that thing I said oops and there was a moderator on at the time, and I said it was a mistake and ill admit to it, But for the love of god its not fucking racist and stop hurting my character saying it it is, while the most about people are going around in the server saying actually outrageous shit like saying killing Jews and shit, and moderators do a single jack shit about it or say they didn't hear it, while me saying the word is the worlds worst thing on this planet and saying i'm racist? Like hello Does it even look like I used it in a racist manner? As well that word "Cracka" If you was actually on the server in which you don't ever play LYNXX, the context behind that word was me explaining that the word "cracka" is used in rap videos for saying "those cracka's trying to lock me up" in which I was explaining that why rappers can say that stuff but saying anything else is consider bad. But that guy that reported me, if you look in helpdesk many people were saying that guy was trolling reporting me, cause please explain to me who tf says "I am literally shaking (screencap pulled from zs-chat channel)." But by the way others in helpdesk were literally saying that you know I'm either joking or its not fucking racist. So stop hurting my character and attacking it.

Most of all, how come you are perma banning me yet, you are never on zs for whatever reason you may have lying around, you never understand context of things and just continue to ban me or others in which you have falsely banned others for not even investigating or getting to actually reach out to others to getting a grip on what happens
( https://hellsgamers.com/hgbans.php?i=238214-hg-emu ) Btw on that banned I contacted Eddie cause I already knew you banned him wrongly and if nobody else saw that or said anything he would've just ate that banned.
Mind you the time you banned me on discord over a stupid meme but instead of coming to a resolution or like a way we could figure something out, instead you result to blocking me, couldn't even ask when I could appeal, which shows what kind of staff you are (refer to screenshot). Do I think I deserve a perma, quite frankly no, do I deserve sometime, yea you can say cause of the horrible word I said by accident that is consider so fucking racist supposedly and cause of the votekick, but listen I'll know when I fuck up on something and take my ban. But you are trying to use my past constantly, as well as many other staff that might dislike me, try to "rightly" ban me, in which they either been disapprove with no evidence, or its been wrongly justified, and I don't understand how you can use my past cause if you talking about the things that are years old, i've known better and don't do those things hints why I don't get banned for them anymore or ever do, now its either about racism or just the way I talk or do anything in general. My recent "bans" in which there not even bans just either warnings from within 2020 have been disapproved and you can result back to them if you'd like.

If you want to ban someone get solid proof like fucking recordings or something, to actually make judgement, you'll never see my dumbass ever being racist like attacking someone's race or character based on what skin color they is, yea I might troll via vc or mess around but I'm for certain not racist nor what I said was used against someone or ment to be racist just simply as a stupid joke. And before you ban someone contact me or get a understanding of both sides before you past judgement and hurt someone's character, cause a moderator was on at the time and I said i'm sorry and wouldn't do it again and corrected that mistake hints why I said "OOPS" and that was my bad.
For silly I don't know where he wants to pull my past, hell even zoomy said what rule is that cause he don't understand that either, you can take a look at my past, you'll only find things that are years and years old and I've known to be way better than that before and I have had talks with those people that have banned me from before. Also if there's anything else I can explain I will, or talk to me in Teamspeak if you'd like.

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39mon 1d 15h 57m ago | 2021-05-08 08:00 AM Click to get direct link to this postPost by Benz
Executive Council

Thank you for your appeal Newasky. This is under GMOD Leadership Review.
39mon 1d 15h 56m ago | 2021-05-08 08:00 AM Benz locked thread
38mon 2wk 1d 1h 49m ago | 2021-05-22 10:07 PM Lynxx unlocked thread
38mon 2wk 1d 1h 48m ago | 2021-05-22 10:08 PM Click to get direct link to this postPost by Lynxx
HG Veteran

Talked to in TS. Ban reduced to 2 months 1 month served (Unbanned on 6/22/21) Extremely thin ice.
38mon 2wk 1d 1h 48m ago | 2021-05-22 10:09 PM Lynxx changed ban duration from permanent [0 seconds] to 1mon 2d [2592000 seconds]
38mon 2wk 23h 44m ago | 2021-05-23 12:13 AM Lynxx changed ban duration from 1mon 2d [2592000 seconds] to 2mon 4d [5184000 seconds]
37mon 1wk 4d 17h 25m ago | 2021-06-23 06:31 AM Click to get direct link to this postPost by Benz
Executive Council

Newasky, you are unbanned. You break any rules and or cause any kind of problems you will be banned for 6 months minimum. Keep your nose clean and distance yourself from any toxic people and or drama.
37mon 1wk 4d 17h 25m ago | 2021-06-23 06:31 AM Benz locked thread
37mon 1wk 4d 17h 25m ago | 2021-06-23 06:31 AM Benz disapproved ban

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