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  1. McLovin


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/31/20 in all areas

  1. https://www.gofundme.com/f/new-pc-for-college-and-gaming Let me just start by saying HG broke my eyeballs because they are swollen and crusted from crying tears of joy. HG has one of the biggest impacts on my life. I hold so many great memories within this community. This community is not just about gaming its about family. When you guys saw a fellow gamer in need you guys acted upon it to the best of your ability. Giving me advice, wishing me luck, donating, and more. I just cannot believe how the past 2 days have been. I never have had this happen to me before in any sort of way. I know times are rough right now around the world due to the pandemic and other things, but you guys all helped me out. Some of you guys told me about how you were in my place at one point in your life and wished someone would have done same for you. I will make sure to do the same for others when I am given the chance. Thank all of you for helping me. I love you all. Special Thank You to : Silly , EddieCam, Bepp, Mr.Rustles, Destiny, MoreEcchi, Fortis, Darkkran, Scrungus, Snowyamur , Gaz , Icon , Burnt, JurrasicGem, Bananainc, Pepsi and McLovinfan 420 and Adam R.
    14 points
  2. @Snowyamur Thank you so much for the donation making the goal get closer. It means so much to me seeing gamers come together to help me out this is like a dream i cannot believe this. Thank you so much again snowy <3
    2 points
  3. Hello, I have a small server I love this community I love modded Minecraft. Would you like to collaborate? Also, I have Minecraft administration experience. Love BTR,
    1 point
  4. This is a formal notice to all guards. The T union demands rep. If you do not allow us to get rep, our designated leader will supply a NOW order to order all members of our union to rebel. No CT can handle this if we lock arms together and accept that some of us will die for the greater good. This will be a permanent feature of JB unless we get rep/coin everyday. Delaying for temptation is now banned. Thanks!
    1 point
  5. @Duphin Thank you for continuing to donate to my https://www.gofundme.com/f/new-pc-for-college-and-gaming its insane that you guys are contributing more im so blessed to be in a community this great thank you so much <3
    1 point
  6. Congratulations Mclovin, we really are a one big happy family. You guys are all my brothers. <3
    1 point
  7. You are very welcome Mclovin. I know how it is to struggle and need help. I am glad myself and everyone else was able to help you and I love to see the community come together to support each other. A very proud gamer moment!
    1 point
  8. Thank you so much for another donation <3 i am overwhelmed with emotions rn thank you so much
    1 point
  9. Youre welcome man. Glad to make a dream come true in contribution.
    1 point
  10. You're always welcome <3
    1 point
  11. Spoke on discord. He seems to have grown more and I will give him another chance please be mindful. Unbanned.
    1 point
  12. @MrRustles You pushed my goal to the finish line... words cannot express how i am feeling right now in this moment. Thank you so much <3 Love you man
    1 point
  13. I woke up this morning with swollen eyes. I can barely open them because of how much tears were coming out of my eyes. I woke up to donations from @scrungus @Pepsi Thank you so much for the donation! I truly cannot believe this happened. You guys made a dream a reality. <3
    1 point
  14. Imagine you are a newer player to JailBreak and you just got to 400 Rep and you bought a USPS! You are so excited but you keep it hidden. The lead opens cells and then instructs everyone to walk to the big cage. So without hesitation you walk to the big cage and with the key you claimed you get 10 rep. The lead then decides its a pokemon day and you are chosen to be a pokemon. Not the kind of day you wanted but you save your gun for later. As you approach the red marker to battle for your life a new ct that just got on the game tonight shoots you thinking you are rebelling. There goes all your rep you spent and worked so hard to get. This is just one of the many reasons why I feel we need mandatory alive times as a T to join CT like 3 to 4 hours. I used to play Jailbreak on EGO servers and the freekills and free shots were very very rare, due to the 8hr alive time needed when you first get into their server. This is a one time thing, you dont have to do it every time you join the server, you just need 8hrs alive on your record and then when ever you want you can join ct. It was a very good system. Now let me list why we need a mandatory T alive time to join CT. 1. New players shoot stack alot, when they are on T it give them time to observe. 2. New players don't know all the unique rules on the HGJB server, for example. baiting, ALOT of new players bait because baiting is more strict on HGJB, and new player bait because they haven't had time to observe. 3. Just like in the beginning I said new players shoot stack alot, well if you just spent alot of rep on supplies and you get freekilled because of a stack shooter then it makes the game less enjoyable. 4. It deters MFK, because most people that MFK usually don't intend on playing the server for a long time, so they hop on and join ct and just go off. Just like how we don't just hand strangers in the mall guns and then tell them to secure the mall, they have to go through extensive training and shadowing to be able to have people lives in their hands. The same can be said about Jailbreak, these kids get on, type !queue and join ct, then make the game not fun for the rest of the server. Just something to think about.
    1 point
  15. What's the story behind your username? I like making new words up by combining phonemes that sound pleasant to me. I made my username following the same convention, so it doesn't mean anything in particular. My alternate name is Sakarein fran Afaysia, which is a deliberate corruption I made from Saccharine from Aphasia—a phrase that means "sickly sweet from an inability to speak". When did you start following HellsGamers? Depends on what you mean by "following". I've known about HG since 2012 or so, but I started paying more attention to it since around 2016. Favorite video games, shows, movies, etc? Currently? Games like Skyrim, GMod, Sea of Thieves, Dead by Daylight, and Overwatch. My past favourite games would be ones such as World of Warcraft, League of Legends, TF2, Splinter Cell, and Halo. Any cool facts we should know about you? My right thumb is longer than any of my fingers. Any feedback or comments about HellsGamers? Nah, you guys seem to be doing fine.
    1 point
  16. Please make sure to check out McLovin's https://www.gofundme.com/f/new-pc-for-college-and-gaming He deserves our support! Thank you!
    1 point
  17. @Gaz23 Yo man i want to thank you so much for your donation my kind sir. <3 It truly means alot to me. <3
    1 point
  18. @Bepp Strikes back with helping the gaming community out but yet its aimed at me. Bepp thank you so fricking much for the unreal donation! I just been crying tears of joy all day and you and others are drying out my tear ducts. <3 https://www.gofundme.com/f/new-pc-for-college-and-gaming Almost there thank you
    1 point
  19. NOTICE To whom it may concern of the Prisoner Union, As a representative of the HellsGamers Federal Penitentiary, we can't legally offer drugs to the prisoners that are housed here. Laws here do not allow drugs of any sort to be used, collected, or sold/traded. It is requested that you cease from these activities immediately or face lockdown and shakedowns until we are certain that we come to an understanding that we are pleased with. Those of you that struggle drug addiction can seek counseling through your current union leader "Bobbythed", if needed he can direct you to a professional within the medical unit of HellsGamers Federal Penitentiary. With this said I, Darkkran, am not in support of temptation days for enjoy of guards, and the abuse of prisoners. It is a sick and twisted way to kill them for their problems with addiction. If guards are reading this, if you are found out to be doing these days. You risk your spot on the force and could face prison time. Thank you, Darkkran Lead for HellsGamers Federal Penitentiary
    1 point
  20. The T union is united behind the removal of temptation days.
    1 point
  21. Figured I'd post some of the commands and stuff I use daily in Jailbreak in case it helps someone. COMMANDS bind h "sm_flashlight" This toggles your flashlight, I use this everyday as a CT to spot out invis Ts. bind mouse3 "+jetpack" Underutilized tool that is available to Leads. Gives you the ability to fly momentarily to skip having to use ladders and to run away from rushing Ts. bind j "voice_scale 1"; bind l "voice_scale 0" I toggle voice on and off using these commands to mute lead if I'm rebelling or just to block music I don't like. bind u "say /lead"; bind n "say /pd" Pretty basic commands but saves a LOT of typing if you play enough. Also you need a lead command to save days after lead dies. bind ' "toggle cl_radar_scale .25 1" I default to having my radar zoomed out to the entire map so I can see red dots of locations of enemies from anywhere. When I have radar hacks I zoom in to get a more precise location of the rebels. bind 6 "say /buy" Having a buy command is also necessary so you can get out of echair fast as well as purchase cell openers at the very start. I use a number so that my fingers are already close to the numbers for menu choices. TIPS Invis people are still visible on radar. If you scan the cells after the T's are out of them and see a red dot you can't explain it's probably that. Armory vents breaking is audible from almost the entire map, and if you hear running in water they are in armory vents. Easiest way to keep a T from ruining a day in armory. When T's rebel to pool they only have really two options, scout or upper VIP. You can tell which they went to via the location of the sounds of the vents breaking. On Hide and seek days use +duck in console to keep you crouched so you don't have to hold a key for 5 minutes. -duck in console will revert this. These are just a few of the things I could think of off the top of my head, I'll likely edit this if I think of more. I'd be really curious to see if anyone else has JB specific commands or general tips that I don't know about.
    1 point
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