Sit's CS:GO 2v2 Revival Event Summary
Okay we're definitely doing this again.
General Event Info
Event Calendar:
Event Host(s): HG | Sit. and HG | Seymour Butz [A]
Event Manager: HG | Admiral MacK [D]
Event Streamer: HG | spawn, [HG] zoomy [S], HG | ASCII [S]
Leadership Present:
HG | Silly [C]
HG | Seymour [A]
HG | Admiral MacK [D]
HG | EddieCam [D]
HG | The Peacemaker [L]
HG | JarJarBinks [S] [CE] [DC]
[HG] Timothy J. Burthstein [S]
[HG] uncle steve [S]
HG | Zeused [S]
[HG] zoomy [S]
Clan Members Present:
HG | bobbythed
HG | Harle
HG | Sit
HG | spawn
HG | bert
HG | D3V1L
HG | Garzilla
HG | Haze
HG | K1nG
HG | Garzilla
HG | Wolf
[HG] Beef Wellington
[HG] Hedgemon
[HG] IronClawz
[HG] Kelton
[HG] Miles
[HG] mr.bubble
[HG] mrrobot
[HG] Sassy Bruvva
[HG] Straws
-hg- AllmyhomieshateEmma
-hg- ComputerChip
-hg- Darkkran
-hg- Eric
-hg- EtherealHope
-hg- Jasssono
-hg- lemonade
-hg- Olo
-hg- optical
-hg- Panda Jankins
-hg- slav
-hg- Thicc Goth Dommy Mommy
Friends of HG Present:
Number of Attendees:
Event Feedback
Friends of HG Feedback:
Charlie: "Great event. Amazing host and amazing casting. Probably the most fun and engaging event I've seen HG have in a while. Not only were the players having fun but I'm sure the audience channel in ts had a blast too! Great job guys "
Clan Members Feedback:
HG | bobbythed: "Fun event, no pongo shots, but still entertaining and fun to participate in"
HG | bert: "one of the greatest events hg has put on. it was a very fun event and i enjoyed as a spectator, caster, and participant. thanks to sit for putting this event on."
HG | Haze: "uncle steve malding was the best part of the tournament"
[HG] Beef Wellington: "Event was fun to partake in as well as be apart of. participants got a chance to show both their competitive skill and charisma as a caster/player. Overall environment was fun around and the games, especially the final was high skilled and enjoyable to watch! Rating 9/10"
[HG] mrrobot: "The event was a LOT of fun and very engaging with the community. We even had volunteer casters which was awesome. It seemed like everyone had a great time and I know I did!"
-hg- Darkkran: "I wish Meloney was there, she would have really loved seeing me shine! I think I'm gonna marry her one day #MySister"
-hg- Thicc Goth Dommy Mommy: "it was okay"
Leadership Feedback:
HG | Admiral MacK [D]: "I couldn't have been more thankful to have the chance to manage such a successful event. Thank you to everyone who participated to make this event so great."
HG | The Peacemaker [L]: "good event, i lost some rep betting so kinda salty"
Prizes & More
1st Place (Gold account, $50 to each team member)
-hg- lemonade (Gold account) & Paula
2nd Place (VIP account, $25 to each team member)
HG | Harle & HG | D3V1L (VIP Account)
3rd Place (2,000 JB rep, $15 to each team member)
HG | bert & [HG] IronClawz
Raffle winners:
All attendees were included in a raffle for 6 x $10 - below are the winners!
HG | Silly [C]
[HG] zoomy [S]
HG | Haze
-hg- ComputerChip
-hg- Jasssono
-hg- optical
Imgur link for raffle proof
Best clip of the tournament: Respond to this summary with your most memorable moment of the tournament, and the person in the clip will have the chance to win the money for best play!
Additional Info:
I can't thank the vounteer streamers, fellows in leadership, and the community itself for making this as great of an outcome as it is. I definitely would not have been able to manage such an event without the help of Sit, spawn, ASCII, Icon, Peacemaker, and many others. -ADM MacK, Lead CE CB.
Also, I need a break after writing this up...y'all will receive the badge before Saturday cause I have a bunch of stuff to work on lol.