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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/14/21 in all areas

  1. HG Stickers, which can be purchased for the low price of $5, are of extremely high quality, size, quantity & variation. Each sticker offers different skill boosts, some being more noticeable than others. However I found this included HG Christmas 2020 sticker to give me the greatest improvement in my overall aim and awareness. Be sure to go check out the HG Merch Shop and pickup your cheap skill boost, or any of the other awesome products they offer! As you can see from the photo, I was getting headshots like I never have before and knew EXACTLY where every enemy was. Also in the photo, is the sticker and how to use it, which also ties right in to my only con regarding this; You have to apply it directly in the center of your monitor, otherwise you won't get any kind of skill boosts and will just be stuck at the same skill level you were before. This is something I consider a con, as removing the sticker is much more difficult than I was expecting and ended up destroying my monitor, forcing me to buy a new one. However, it was totally worth pwning some noobs on CRACKHOUSE for hours while they call me a hacker, but if only they knew. Removing the sticker should really only be done if you were already planning on taking a break from pwning noobs for a couple weeks anyways. It also slightly obstructs my content consumption however it's not that BIG of a deal and isn't super noticeable after a while, just something to keep in mind. Aside from that one flaw, it's basically the best way to get instantly better at games like CS:S, CS:GO, Garry's Mod, TF2, or basically any other FPS game there is. * All of the above is obviously a joke, aside from the part where I actually put the sticker on my secondary monitor and damn near destroyed the panel getting it off..... and I edited my name into killfeed cuz I was too lazy to quickly pwn some noobs for real.
    2 points
  2. i remember joining crackhouse and trying jumps all day 10aa killed it for me. would for sure play more with 100aa+ cssjump2.mp4
    2 points
  3. I run out of reactions every day and I need more. Like how am I supposed to show people I love them without reacting to their posts?
    2 points
  4. 2 points
  5. Games die; time takes its toll on the pop until there are only a handful of players left and is forced to shut down. Though inevitable, why take it with open arms? I have been pondering, and have come to a method in which we can expand this game's life. Many have attempted to twitch zs, youtube zs, and even tiktok zs. All of them representing one, not all. All of them died or moved one with few subs. We need a media powerhouse from multiple players and editors. Not just from hg, but from sunrust, Mall 24/7, and all the other zs variants. I want us to conglomerate together and expand the popularity of zs through more perfected and conglomerate presentation. Notice that the supermajority of recorded zs is people whining, mic-spamming, and being racist. That's for sure going to make people cringe and turn away. I suspect it's from having lack of content, which is why I suggest, all servers have a handful of dedicated recorders who trim off the amusing parts and a team of editors who filter them to make enticing videos. Now right now some of you are probably thinking, "eww, sunrust. This guy's an idiot", but hear me out. It is for the expansion of zs. Not hg, not sunrust, not ONE but rather all of zs. We need to help EACH OTHER in order to make it out of the dark pits of time. Everyone can die resentful or help eachother out of this impending doom and make something out of it. Enter ZSC, the Zombie Survival Convention! (name could be better, but zsc sounded like a nice snap to me) https://discord.gg/yABmjJKG Though not fully developed nor the actual proposed server, it offers a basic layout of a neutral hub where we could operate. Using the tool of permission to view, each team can perform tasks conveniently and efficiently under one roof, and potentially entice someone to buy an old game such as gmod due to the appearance of pop stability. Under this one roof: All the players from all the servers can submit content, chat, and discover other communities. Representatives from the various servers can advertise local events and propose conglomerate events/agreements. Video editors can share a google drive of their edited clips and refine them to make enticing, neutralistic videos. This is a start, but I need help refining it and working out the kinks. COMON! WE CAN DO IT! We don't have to like each other, we just have to get along. Help me pull this game from the ashes! LONG LIVE ZOMBIE SURVIVAL!
    1 point
  6. Let's pretend he's homeless BUT FOR NOW, say congrats to our newest Server Manager! Alex Thunderhunter If you've been here and cared enough you'd know what I'm gonna tell you to do.
    1 point
  7. I just ordered the Cooler Master MM710 and it arrives Saturday. I'll update you all with my thoughts on it Sunday.
    1 point
  8. Hello can I please get unbanned. Thank you https://hellsgamers.com/hgbans.php?i=210714-hg-gi-jose
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. Most people who play CS:S DM typically seem to be an older crowd who don't play games where they feel anything higher is necessary. But personally, 144hz has been a great improvement since I upgraded a few years ago. I recommend at least upgrading to at least 144hz if you're playing any games that support it.
    1 point
  11. Lookin' mighty fine with that HG, congrats big boi. Mffffffff.
    1 point
  12. If you haven't made a purchase yet @parallax, I want to add in that I do recommend the Deathadder. The Deathadder was a superb mouse when it wasn't having issues. Especially if you already use a somewhat bigger sized mouse with somewhat similar ergonomic design, definitely get it. Also, the Deathadder V2 is ~$20 more than the V1 and I can bet they most likely fixed any design flaws or defects if any.
    1 point
  13. I have dedicated media keys on my keyboard but in case someone is talking or I need to hear quickly, I have it conveniently on my mouse. Also sometimes if I'm leaning back in my chair, my mouse is more in reach than my keyboard. I could give it another use for sure, but I'm contempt with it as it is.
    1 point
  14. I've never found a use for them honestly. I rebound the one on my g502 to pause/play Spotify
    1 point
  15. Congrats on achieving HG Member & Mod!
    1 point
  16. First off, I really do like the optimism in this post. It shows the dedication the players have towards such a niche gamemode in a nearly 2 decade old game, it's really something you'll never see with triple a games these days. I personally quit playing ZS a long time ago and coming back to this community even if it's for a moment made this old dog happy. That being said, I'll get into what I want to say. The Actual Meat of My Opinion Towards This Effort If you want to know why my opinions have come to this conclusion, underneath will be a few paragraphs of context starting at "Present Context". But to be honest, "Present Context" and onwards can be ignored altogehter because it really was just me going on a tangent. Quite frankly, I don't think this is going to work. This is mainly just because of the amount of people that are currently interested or even know about ZS. Unlike TTT or DarkRP, ZS, although it is one of the biggest gamemodes in Gmod, is nowhere near the amount of its larger contemporaries in terms of active playerbase. Even disregarding that factor, Gmod is steadily declining in popularity and is nowhere near being one of the most popular games comparing to other hot games at the moment like Rust of Among Us. It's unfortunately no longer 2014 where you can just showcase mods or play deathrun in gmod and get thousands of views anymore. Today, the big gmod videos out there are mainly roleplay, TTT or prophunt. That's not to say ZS can't be one of them, but a channel just dedicated to ZS in my eyes, is just not viable in today's YT/Twitch climate. Again, even if we disregard those factors, managerial factors such as quality control, motivation, dedication, teamwork, upload scheduling and the overall entertainment value in the content are all factors that need to be addressed. These are the major things that need to be addressed. Getting to the business side of things, how can it ensured that all parties can stay on track through very little incentive other than pure dedication? What about the finer details of the jobs structure? How will this be organised and executed? How can we get all servers and communities in line? How do we provide an incentive? With all these new players, wouldn't the actual experience in-game as well as for the community greatly change? So on and so forth. All of this may seem unnecessary, but these are just a few of the issues and factors that need to be addressed in order for this to work. I don't want to set you up for failure with extreme optimism, I'm here to provide a more realist approach in this very bold pitch. Although I myself don't have all the solutions to these, I did say I had a few, such as: focusing more on HG's servers and the servers of other communities as a whole rather than just ZS. This way we can also traffic viewers and potential players from other gamemodes and games such as TTT or CSGO. Monetary incentive for other ZS communities via viewership revenue (for general server maintenance). This is only if you are adamant to include all ZS communities and will take some time to achieve. Splitting the revenue for server maintenance will make it a source of revenue for server maintenace, which will get server owners in on the project and make it more than just a community side-project. And that's really all I have at the moment unfortunately. I can't really think of any ways to address the other points I have risen up unfortunately, I just can't really see a way of achieving them at the moment. That being said, I don't dislike this idea, I just find it very difficult to achieve, there's just so many ways it can fail in my eyes, and if the idea can't be fleshed out more thoroughly, the chances of uploading the content let-alone garnering in more players is low. I know your idea is still very young, and you might not have had enough time to properly think it out, I'm here to make you think more on it, so that ultimately, it can work. My Tangents Present Context I'm going to provide a little context onto how I came to this post; here I am, on my computer, checking my emails to see if any important related school stuffs have been sent my way, the newest email today is this and here I am. I'm not sure why I haven't changed the newsletter settings yet but here I am. It's getting close to two years since I last spent most of my day playing ZS and I read this post about wanting to increase the population via uploading content to various popular video-sharing platforms. Being empathetic towards the situation and having viewed the state of the population of the gamemode a few weeks beforehand, as well as wanting to express my own opinions and provide valid but helpful criticism to benefit the effort in the long-run, this has led me to where I am now. To give you guys an insight towards my perspective, I'm going to share my past experiences, as well as my current feelings and opinions towards the games that I have accumulated over the span of a good three and a half years. My Past in HG ZS (For some context) General Information of My Past as Being a Regular at HG ZS (long subheading) The biggest piece of information I should share is that I haven't spent a massive amount of time on the game for almost two years now, as mentioned before. To put into context how many hours I mean by "a massive amount of time", I mean around 50-80 hours at average per week, and this only went on for possibly a month at most beginning from January 2019 - Feburary 2019 (I can't exactly remember). For many people, this might not sound like a lot, for me, especially now, this is a lot of time spent on a game in such a short amount of time, I could never think of doing that again. But to provide even more context as to why I did this, around a year prior (~Jan 2018), the laptop I used to play ZS on broke because of water damage, the replacement laptop couldn't handle HG ZS with 80+ players even at the lowest settings (keep in mind the avg player count in HG ZS at this time was almost at max no matter what time of the day) and so I couldn't play HG ZS on a regular basis until I got a new laptop at around Dec 2018. The new laptop allowed me to play HG ZS once again at an acceptable framerate at high with all the players and so I did the one thing I have been wanting to do for a year - play ZS. Now the last two things I should mention here would be the most obvious thing I haven't yet talked about and a bit of a TL;DR - I started playing on HG ZS around mid 2017 and I consciously quit playing at around early 2019, with a one year gap of nothingness at around early 2018 - early 2019. Past Experiences If you understandably don't care about what has been mentioned, that's fine. All it is is some general information such as dates, as well as how much time I spent playing the game before I decided to quit almost two years ago. My past experiences with the game are important to understand why I feel the way about ZS as a whole as you may already know, so this will be rather short. When I played the game, I was a pretty big tryhard and asshole when I played the game. I was very insensitive, and I would complain and act like a little shit like every single regular that plays HG ZS is. I was only 13 when I first played the game, and I was only 14 turning 15 when I played again for the second time. Even though it's only been a short amount of time and I'm only just turning 17 in a few months soon, I have grown up since then (at least I like to think). My taste and personal thoughts towards video games as a whole since then has changed drastically, and now I only play with friends I know irl. From what I remember, the main reason why I played for as long as I did was because of the community (the people in vc as well as in text), and I wanted to listen as well as interact with the community. I really enjoyed the funny remarks by people in vc and I personally took a liking to a lot of them like Corgi, Precariusa, xKatn1ss, eXfro and many more I can't remember anymore. That being said, the main take-away here is that I really only played the game for the community, as well as to point-whore but who didn't at the time :P. Possibly My Last Ever Experience With ZS When I lately played at around christmas time 2020 to suck up the nostalgia and just to see how the server was going, I was welcomed by a constant player-base of around 40-50 at any time. The last time I hoped in I was welcomed by around 20 bots and barely 10 human players for 2 hours until the server started to get some more human players only to be even more disappointed because of the current playstyle and the community. Even if it was for around an hour I was met by constant complaining in the vc, trash-talking other players (which has always been normal) but the thing that really got me the most was just the state of the current gameplay of ZS. With the introduction of ricocheting concentrated laser beam guns since I last left as well as even more ridiculous laser guns and melee weapons and just a wider selection of everything makes me feel like I'm trying to choose what flavour soup I'm getting at the supermarket. It also really ruins the immersion for me, and ultimately the gameplay feels more shallowed due to there just being extremely OP weapons making zombie pushing impossible (thank god I'm no longer a Zmain anymore). And this really made me think about the whole gamemode as a whole. Current Feelings + Opinions (Towards ZS) Looking back at ZS, the gamemode at a whole is very unrefined and repetitive, the main premise is to build a barricade in a room and shoot through little opening in the cade every now and then until you win or die, and with the large amount of people that played at the time, it didn't even matter if you were doing anything gameplay wise unless you wanted to grind points in HG. What I don't like more are the boring, uncreative maps that always get chosen all the time like farmhouse, where the rounds always play the same way and there's only two viable spots. The maps should really be in a random rotation to allow more obscure maps to be played but even then, at the core, the gameplay will always be the same, disregarding the other modes such as OBJ or ZE. For me personally, it really was just about the community of ZS, which is why I've focused on that aspect a lot in why I had a drive to play ZS.
    1 point
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