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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/23/21 in Posts

  1. Trade 1 has been gone for months now....
    1 point
  2. I still play Counter Strike: Source, because it is still a great game, and provides nostalgia for me. I remember in 2004, when me and a group of 4 other friends in my neighborhood finally got it and being blown away by the graphics. These days, rag-doll effects and shooting a barrel and it knocking over may sounds like not a big deal, but back then, IT WAS MAJOR! We had came off playing 1.4 CS and Diablo 2, So we kept playing D2 on the side but began playing ALOT of CSS and WoW. I got some great memories of having 5 comps on a long L shaped desk at my friends house, and just gaming till be got hungry or they wanted a cig or we all wanted a blunt. LOL But now all these years later I still have the same admiration for CS:S and it brings back memories, and the nostalgia for the game plus being a long server member of a great Gaming Community, has kept that spirit alive! BOSCH
    1 point
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