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  1. Sirius


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  2. ASCII


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/11/18 in Posts

  1. We are sad to report that HG Member Howler, lost his battle with cancer in September of this year. Some of you may remember when Howler was active here and shared with us his stories about battling cancer. Even while undergoing cancer treatments, he was still playing games and on TS3. As a fallen member of HG, Howler will now be permanently received by our community as an HG Veteran. Rest in peace, brother. Obituary of Howler (Jedd Brian Wiltshire) Sirius
    8 points
  2. Hi Everyone, Leadership has been in great discussion about rep in JB, including gang rep. Gangs with high rep are pretty out of control at the moment. With gangs like Baldmen and Al Qaeda being the top of it, it is difficult for a lot of leads to keep control of the day when half or more of the server can go at .3 or higher speeds -- most gangs ended up choosing speed because it is the most easy to abuse against guards. As leadership, we have decided as a team that we will be resetting ALL gangs. This means that all gangs will no longer have their high rep counts, or their members. All gangs will have to recruit from scratch. The idea here is to promote competition between gangs, and give incentive to people to log on and come play on the server. However, I am here today to ask you, the community, a very important question. With the gangs, would you, the community, prefer to see either: 1. All Rep is reset, including personal rep. This will give everyone a fresh start, and be on equal grounds from the beginning. 2. Only gang rep is reset. Everyone keeps their personal rep and they do with it as they choose. I have seen and heard both sides of this argument, and honestly, it wouldn't be fair to community to make the choice one way or another without feedback. So please, please vote on this poll. The poll will decide how our Saturday revival starts. I love you guys, and I love JB, and I hope that the community can help make this monumental decision.
    1 point
  3. Resetting the gangs is a good idea. I feel like a lot of the history behind the "big gangs" is lost on 99% of the active player base now which is what made gangs so fun. Some new gangs with new backstories and new creators could definitely invigorate the JB population and give some nice incentive to play.
    1 point
  4. I'm all for resetting gangs entirely, not personal rep. I and many others paid others in various ways for rep, there's no way to get that money back. Resetting the gangs will do as long as higher ups who have a shit load of rep don't dish in on gangs to help them level up. It takes a hell of alot of rep to get to where gangs such as Bald Men , aQ & HG JB were at
    1 point
  5. I say personal rep gain should stay. But remove the speed perk as a whole and reset gang level/rep. Spice it up and add new perks or buff the old ones!
    1 point
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