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Showing content with the highest reputation since 11/08/12 in Blog Entries

  1. Jailbreakers rejoice! Your potato lord is among you pagans that refuse to believe in the rebellious nature of our cause! Aside from the jokes, welcome to the very first blog post! Hopefully this will provide the format that the rest will follow! So let's get down to business and show you what I've personally been working on, my thoughts on certain issues among other things: Upcoming update A lot will be coming into the next update. Hoping that I can at least fulfill most of what I promised in the last CS:GO fireside chat, I've given myself a good amount of time to get things right without having a lot of "oh whoops" moments as we discover that I may have left one too many bugs in. To this end, while the development of the last update to bring the map out of the beta, the CS:GO JB development team size has increased from 1 to 2, with the help of PureMindless. So now you can spam him with all the problems that the map has instead :^). I do want to take this time to thank him for helping me out when I most needed the help. It dug my arse out of the hole I fell into and basically finally brought the map out of the beta it had been in for the longest time. Texture and Model Overhaul With the release of the proper map to our server, it allowed me time to sit down and take a look at bringing forward problems that lagged behind on a personal level. One of these problems for me specifically was the texture pallet that some of the areas used. Main cells was the biggest area of these, and quite honestly was an area I never liked the texturing for as it reminded me too much of the very old CSS Jailbreak map that had very dull texturing. When the Newke dropped in the latest Operation, I decided it was time to take another look at the old textures the map still has and took a pass at it. With the nice lighting that is now in CSGO, it should provide a nice picture for you : Along with this, the models will also be brought forward in time, starting with the main cells. The props in the cells were old, hard to work with and took up more space within the packed map (since they had to be packed as they were not native to the CSGO HL2 partition) and so they have now been replaced with new, nice to look at models : This coinciding with the texture overhaul will hopefully breathe a new, improved and 2.0 experience that everyone (including me) wants to play in. Deathrun and Slide Unfortunately, while we don't have pictures as of yet of any WIP, I can confirm I will be working on Slide (after promising it'll be in JB since go_14) while PureMindless is taking Deathrun head on. For Deathrun, we're hoping to have a short yet intense experience where there are more trap real estate per measurable distance. For slide, we will most likely have a kill switch so if a lead CT decides, the barriers on slide instead of teleporting you back to the start will kill you, giving you an adrenaline rush while you slip to your death. Alternate Obs Courses This for me is the most interesting portion of the upcoming update, as it brings the oldest element of Jailbreak up to speed with the rest of the prison by giving it two new courses with a new course being added every major update. In other words, this update will allow lead CT's to choose what course they want T's to complete for Obs, which will be between the Classic Obs and two new Obs courses. Cool beans! That's all I have for this first blog post. It may not be much, but I hope you do appreciate it! Until we !fire Suicide again, - SKay
    5 points
  2. From Acquaintances To Dear Friends HG | BOSCH When I first joined HeLLsGamers I was hesitant about posting on the forums, even on TeamSpeak3 in my first six months, I wasn't sure if people would accept me and I would be able to engage with the community. Slowly but surely, starting with the person who recruited me, Crucible, I began to show more of my personality. Within the first two years I became quite vulgar, something I am not proud of, but I believe in being forth right and up front so that the experience although negative still had value when one acknowledges and learns from one's mistakes. From that something special happened in those first two years, although I was being foolish at times, I would end up developing some true and honest friendships that last even still to this day. That is why I am writing this, for the newer members and recruits, so they understand why HeLLsGamers is such a wonderful community. If you can check your ego at the door you will find some very interesting and perpetually hilarious individuals. As long as your honest you will really enjoy the community. Even if you make mistakes and find yourself punished in some way, it isn't the end for you. The main thing is what I referenced earlier, honesty. I am not saying it will get you out of trouble! Honesty is important because you have to accept your guilt. We all make mistakes, but whats important is how you deal with it. If you know you broke a rule no matter the context accept it and explain why, but don't push falsehoods, but rather the logic you were working under at the time of your infraction. Whatever the punishment is, accept it, we must accept the consequences and avoid holding grudges with others. It is paramount for us to not get angry or upset, it isn't the end of the world, and it is something to learn from to help you on how you conduct yourself in the future. But do not resign because no one wants anyone to leave, even if they have got into some trouble, we are a positive community, who many wouldn't mind being that shoulder to lean on, that ear to listen to ones problems. The HeLLsGamers community is built on acquaintances who love games coming together to have fun, but you will find soon those people become dear friends, and what grows from that is the want to enjoy one an others company. That is the beauty of our community, HeLLsGamers.
    2 points
  3. I knew this before, but Stephen fry said it best. "Take a deck of cards and shuffle it. That pack of cards, believe it or not, has never before, in the history of our planet, been in that order. How? It's a simple mathematical fact. The order of cards is a gigantic number... It's a number that is known by mathematicians as "shriek;" you write it as "52!," which is 52 times 51, times 50, times 49, times 48 etc. These are all the possibilities in which a pack of cards can be, and the number is big 80,658,175,170,943,878,571,660,636,856,403,766,975,289,505,440,883,227,824,000,000,000,000 to be exact. That number is so big that, were you to imagine that every star in our galaxy had a trillion plantes, each with a trillion people living on them... And eacfh of these people had a trillion packs of cards, and somehow they managed to shuffle them all in a thousand times a second, and they'd been doing that since the Big Bang... They would only just now be starting to repeat shuffles. So, I can say, wiht all the mathematical certainty that is possible, that this pack of cards has never been in this order before. It's an absolute world first."
    2 points
  4. For centuries, humans have given a lot of thought to what separates them from the animals. Though there are a lot of differences between us and animals, many argue that it is our superior reasoning abilities that truly sets us apart. In more recent years, we’ve turned our attention to what distinguishes humans from machines. In a short amount of time, artificial intelligence science has advanced so quickly that computers now seem more human than ever. The greatest obstacle in creating artificial intelligence is not creating something intelligent. The challenge is creating something that seems human. Throughout the short history of artificial intelligence science, a number of tests have been proposed that will differentiate between true artificial intelligence and a wannabe. The Turing Test Alan Turing, a British code breaker who inspired the movie The Imitation Game, was one of the pioneers of artificial intelligence science. He proposed a test he called the imitation game, later renamed the Turing Test, that would distinguish whether a machine could be said to be artificially intelligent. The test is simple in concept but extremely difficult to actually pass. The test works by having a machine carry on a conversation with a human acting as judge. If the human cannot distinguish a machine from a human through conversation alone (the human doesn’t get to see the machine so it doesn’t have to look human) then it is said to have passed the Turing Test. Tricking the Turing Test What Alan Turing couldn’t have predicted is the devious nature of computer programmers who would set out to devise a machine that could trick his test rather than embody true artificial intelligence. Only in the last couple of years have machines been able to trick human judges into believing they’re carrying on a conversation with another human. The problem with these machines is they can do one thing, and one thing only. The Lovelace Test Now that the Turing Test has been bested, a test proposed in 2001 by Selmer Bringsjord, Paul Bello, and David Ferrucci called the Lovelace Test is being used to distinguish man from machine. For the Lovelace Test, a human judge asks an artificially intelligence machine to create some piece of art, either a poem, story, or picture. Next the human judge gives a criterion, for example, write a poem about a cat. If a machine can follow this direction, it’s said to be sufficiently human. What about empathy? Recently, there has been some thought about what society really wants out of an artificially intelligent machine. It’s great if they can carry on a conversation or produce art, but what about those human emotions that set us apart from machines. In a recent panel discussion at Robotronica 2015, panelists discussed what human emotions it would be important for artificial intelligence to obtain. Empathy was first on the list. If a machine could feel empathy, humans won’t need to fear artificial intelligence as we tend to do. Artificial Intelligence News brought to you by artificialbrilliance.com Source: phys.org/news/2015-08-human-emotions-artificial-intelligence.html
    1 point
  5. Stayed at school all night. Tired as shit. Went purely cause my "friends" were going. This is what you expect from a night like this: Your best friend will make out with the girl you like, who also happens to be a very good friend. No one will stop talking about the above fact. A freshman will step on your laptop, snapping your headphones and jamming the headphone jack. You will be woken up by a teacher stepping on you. Your "friends" will look straight past you and pretend you don't exist. You know that "If you didn't go to the party, would you be missed" question? Well yea, no point going. You will feel like you're about to throw up at around 3 o'clock. You will drink too much soda, your penis will hurt. Many times you will talk to people infront of you, and they will *Not hear you*. You will be woken up by the police officer shining his flashlight in your eyes. Overall, a pretty shitty night. I would say goodnight cause ima sleep for a few hours now.....so good morning.... #endrant
    1 point
  6. An interesting concept (philosophy) that I've been thinking and reading about recently is nihilism. It presents a pretty cynical view at times but does raise many valid points about this world. We all "exist" in this world. Yet... for what reason? Theists attribute our existence to a higher 'God' and thus our purpose is to please this said 'higher' entity. Atheists, on the other hand, say "this is bullshit" there is no 'God', we just simply exist for whatever reason (personal, spiritual, or whatever). It's interesting, yet saddening, to watch humans waste their time over figuring out whether God exists or not. I mean, I'm all for figuring out whether such an entity can 'scientifically' exist but I don't see any value in participating in such a fight that cannot be won, that does not need to be won. Going back to the point: When you map value to an entity, do you invest so much time in a single value? Do you grant it and invest into the multiple values? or do you even try granting any value to you? Take the term "cup", we could typically map the value of it is a 'cylindrical' object that can contain liquids; but wait... the cup has other purposes. You can use it as a carrier for pencils, pens and other things. So the question becomes... what is a cup? We are all taught to map values to an object. We're all told these values already exist for an object. Some aren't even correct. However, we all seem to hold onto that value so much that we lose the sight of it's just a term to describe matter. A cup can be made of paper, which at the end of the day gets decomposed or burnt. Consider it made of metal, when it is recycled, it's melted down into something else... What value do you map to your everyday objects? Do you attribute so much worth in this matter that will just go away. Do you know where value came from? Nothingness. Without nothingness, we cannot acknowledge the existence of somethingness. When we map a value to something, we also implicitly add negative value onto it. Think about it... let's take an example: 'water' . I'm not talking about the term 'water'. Let's talk about the substance in nature we map the value of 'water' to. Did you know that water itself does not conduct electricity? So as we learn, we map the value '~Conduct(Electricity)' to 'water'. We're the ones attributing this based on observation the value of what water brings in the nature of electrical conductivity. Interestingly enough, when you map that value, you also forget that you're also saying... ~water -> conduct(Electricity). since we add the value of non-conductivity to 'water', something that is not water may conduct electricity. Does it mean that everything that is not water conducts electricity? We pass value to the negative value of it. Of course not, rubber is an insulator and doesn't allow electricity to travel through. However the fact stands that when you claim a positive of something... there will ALWAYS be an opposite truth to it. So bring this back to the idea of nothingness and somethingness, does it really matter that somethingness exists or nothingness exists? When at the end of the day, we humans map values (some that don't make sense) to a material object and yet we hold onto the values and not the object itself. We live in a world that cares about the value of something and not the something itself. Interestingly enough we also care about the value of its opposite value more, yet the nothingness doesn't matter as much. We thrive to be the best even though we may not be. And when we're not, we're sad. So what if we're not the best, what VALUE does that bring to yourself? Do you care about the value of feeling not the best more.. or about the fact that you may not be the best? In any case, what matter does it bring to you? Does it bother you... that you cannot be the best? I'm sure that there will be plenty of people who will be better than you. so what? What value are you bringing into your daily life by harbouring this feelings of incongruency when it is nothingness. When you acknowledge that these are just values and not really the object itself, you acknowledge that it's just a feeling, just a manifestation of your ownself. Feelings are temporal. They come and go. They are unpleasant or pleasant. Feelings manifest from the inside out. When you submit that nothingness spawned it, why would you have to worry? Worrying is just a manifestation from nothing. Nothing is what brings you to acknowledge that something exists and vice versa, something is what brings you to acknowledge nothing exists. Song =3 [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZ6hLFXNdPc[/media]
    1 point
  7. http://soundcloud.com/hunterreeves/christina-aguilera-your-body also http://www.indabamusic.com/opportunities/christina-aguilera-your-body-remix-contest/submissions/143084 just sayin
    1 point
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