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Is ping a reason to kick a player?


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I was wondering can we kick the players with really high ping and what is the limit? Does the player with high ping, lets say over 250, really affect the server so bad? Or we should kick high pingers only when there is a lot of players? Im talking about D2 DeathMatch server now because usually there is over 60 people in the game so it doesnt run so smooth...

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and you don't really have to worry about kicking for ping, I never do it.

Well i dont like to kick people just to kick... Idk about auto ping kicker on the server i play, but i saw people with ping over 400 still playing... What server u play on CrazyHorse? I havent seen you on D2 DM...

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  BlackJack said:
Well i dont like to kick people just to kick... Idk about auto ping kicker on the server i play, but i saw people with ping over 400 still playing... What server u play on CrazyHorse? I havent seen you on D2 DM...


I play in the JB server, but then again it comes up with the answer from a upper staff member.

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IMO, I wouldn't kick anyone unless they were causing multiple complaints from people on the server.

Generally speaking, our deathmatches are populated by everyone around the world so the ping goes from ~40 - 250.


If we're kicking people for their high ping, I don't think they would want to come back and thus the server will remain less populated?


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How can you prove it's the one person in question that is causing the lag?


Do you not think that this is a fallacious assumption to make?

I will investigate further (or have someone who knows more about srcds/netcode) if necessary. As far as I know, high ping people do not lag servers. They may make gameplay irritating for themselves and others.










I have no reason to believe that high ping will lag the server. I do agree that it can make killing the laggy person very difficult.

Edited by enigma#
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Well I know because when I play from my work sometimes my ping is 300-400 and I cant play well laggs 3-5 times every minute and all the other players say the same laggy, but I am not network analyst so I might be wrong. Alright then just let us know why the server laggs even if there aren't too many players on the server. I won't kick anybody with ping issues now on. Sorry to all of the players who got kicked out because of the ping by me!!!!!! SOOOOOORRY!!!

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Dont be so sorry. You did what you thought is right, and you did that for the other players. The worst thing about high-pingers is that they teleport and other players complain about that. Remember Heroes of Might and Magic 3 Devil? We are just imps and we have to listen to ArchDevils bud lol ;). No more kicking :D

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  eNiGMa# said:
How can you prove it's the one person in question that is causing the lag?


Do you not think that this is a fallacious assumption to make?

I will investigate further (or have someone who knows more about srcds/netcode) if necessary. As far as I know, high ping people do not lag servers. They may make gameplay irritating for themselves and others.










I have no reason to believe that high ping will lag the server. I do agree that it can make killing the laggy person very difficult.




Back in the day, this was somewhat true with online video games, but I believe just about everything follows standard client-server practices, where the server sends packets out to clients per the interval set on the server. Laggy people don't get data more or less often than someone pinging 20, so laggy people don't kill servers, they just look... laggy.


The only time we used to step in and do something about someone lagging was when their rates looked jacked up, so they teleported everywhere, but they weren't jacked up enough to cause a d/c or hit the ping cap. Even then, we usually just yelled at them with @say. People with 200 or 300 ping actually play fairly well, and we don't want to alienate our foreign players when that's the only thing one can find against them.



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well, can i get another look at this, because i play on the BHOP server alot, and i know that the server starts to lag pretty bad for bhopping when we get someone or some people with a ping in excess of 250 or 300, so once i get at least half the server population in complaints, i kick, i tell them that it is nothing personal, but that they are making the game less enjoyable for everyone else, and once i kick, the server returns to its normal lag free self, so i think, at least for bhop, that ping has everything to do with the gamepla of the server.

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  • 5 months later...

^ Yes. I play the D2Unlimited Dm a lot, I notice ppl with ping over 250 bounce around on the screen, there have been multiple times where I will shoot someone with the awp in the chest and they do not die but then I see them to the left or right (they do not move there, just appear there) and they kill me, then also other players complain the whole time. Earlier today there were 12 ppl in the server, out of the 12(no bots), 3 ppl were under a 170 ping, the rest were around 250, 275, even up and over 300. These ppl were kicking tail b/c you couldnt kill them, every time more than one person with a high ping was on your screen you would freeze up lag and when it stopped you were back in spawn....where one of the other would wait to spawn kill you b/c the safety respawn would wear off right as you were coming out of your lag.....they were all speaking in foreign language and would laugh. I didnt kick anyone, I just thought maybe I should. But I didnt.

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