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reviewed Fist Full Of Golden Retriever Report


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Abuser name: Fist Full of Golden Retriever


Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:0:25031160


What server:


[HG] JAILBREAK #1 - HeLLsGamers.com | CS:GO Drops | Hats | 30+



PROOF: First of all Bbobb will be posting a demo of the incident in the replies, I would also like to show screenshots of him harassing me by changing his names to "Murpel is Racist" and things like that here:




Also, his aliases are racist as well, http://i.gyazo.com/e1acfdb47415ea7202b5f257dd4b9fe7.png


Please tell us about the incident: I was giving orders and I took a swig of my coffee and before I swallowed I started to say something, and aparrently everyone interpreted it as me saying something racist which in the demo it shows I clearly didn't (edit - i can see how it sounded like I said it but still the fact that he started to change his name like that shouldn't be the behavior of an admin) , and I was kicked by Fist Full of Golden Retriever. I then re-joined and asked why I was kicked and he said that I was kicked for racism. I didn't say anything racist so I was confused and I asked if anyone had recorded it and Bbobb had so I asked him to review the demo and it showed that I didn't say anything racist (or so that's what he told me.) After that I called the admin ( Golden Retriever ) out on his aliases and after that he consecutively changed his aliases to the names you can see above, which I did not like.

Edited by murpel
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1 no admin commands were used so there is no abuse.

2 this section is for admin abuse and not ban reports, ban reports go here HG Bans

3 we dont accept steam links, use default forums uploader to upload proof.




4 we dont ban for what he does on steam outside of HG grounds(you have a problem report to steam). I have attached the aliases he used in jb server.

5 http://hellsgamers.c...4-i-love-hittas he was banned for his racist remarks and after that i dont see anything else.



He did kick someone, idk why, so waiting for his reply.


Edited by RedDevil6193
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Hi, yes. This incident occurred. Everyone in the chat was saying that he used the "n-word". Maybe he said something similar and it just sounded like it, I.E; "bigger" "figure" etc. I'm not sure. I understand I should have given him a warning before kicking him but people in the chat where saying to kick him so I did. He had also recieved several complaints of freekilling in the same instance, so it felt prompt. Rest assured it wont happen again, and if I could be unbanned now that would be tremendous. Thanks.


And as for my provocotive usernames in the past, they where used on a different Jailbreak server I play on... In the one situation in which I was previously banned for racism, it was for playing the ever-popular rap song "My Hitta's"(censored version) on hldj, and it was labeled "Implied Racism".


I'll proclaim my stance on this shit right now: anyone who knows me knows I'm not a racist, I've grown up with black friends my entire life, none of whom give a shit what words I use, but rather the context and the feelings going into the word. It's when you use the word maliciously to try and make someone feel invalidated that it becomes a problem. But it shouldn't have anything to do with race, that person is just an ASSHOLE... Anyone who's an overtly pestilant, negative, prick should be kicked/banned regardless of what words they choose to convey their doucheyness.


Case in point:


Terms/subjects that ARE allowed on the server that can be used just as aggressively:


"fa****" - anything regarding homophobia



"Windowlicker" - anything regarding mental disabilites


"Bitch" - anything regarding misogyny



"Rape - anything involving rape


-Anything regarding child molestation, pedophilia, violence, threats. etc: "I'm going to kidnap your 11 year old daughter on her way home from school, then once I've got her in my basement, I'm going to scoop out her eyeballs with a melon baller and thrust my bountiful erection into her blood drenched skull until her eyesockets are overflowing with my cum"


I can make a statement like that, and yet one of the most frequently used words in hip-hop culture is deemed too offensive.


There are hundreds of terms that carry just as much weight in societies all over the world, in this instance it's the "n-word" that we're mentioning, but what I'm saying applys for any word.


Like I said, it's all about context, a comedian can make an incredibly entertaining bit involving a "problem word" without it being construed as "racist".

Look at Louie C.K for example. He's fucking hilarious. < an example of someone using a "problem word" to incite LAUGHTER, the opposite of hate, or malevolence.

When I'm chilling with my friends I say shit like "Yo, pass that blunt n****." or "Naww n****, I'm gucci" or any casual usage of the word, simply because it's become engrained into popular culture.


Someone who lets meer utterances effect their emotions is a thin skinned individual and probably has some hypersensitivity issues to work out / simply has never taken part in the real world...

If you had a single black friend that wasn't a boring ass, square motherfucker, I can guarantee that he would not give a shit what words you use, so long as you aren't using them insultingly...

The same should be said about any ethnic group, it should be implied in your friendship that you don't judge them by something as arbitrary as skin color.



tl;dr: If someone's being beligerantly annoying and contributing negatively to the server, they should be exacted, regardless of what "words" they use to convey their assholeshness.


Of course I agree that if someone was indeed being a racist hateful piece of shit, they should be banned, however a word alone shouldn't be the determining factor in that.

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You do not listen to other people and act, you only act if you see yourself.

If you kick there needs to be a reason why you kicked, you cant kick anyone without a reason.


DO you understand?


Yes sir.


-and thank you.



You do not listen to other people and act, you only act if you see yourself.

If you kick there needs to be a reason why you kicked, you cant kick anyone without a reason.


DO you understand?


Wait, so am I infact being unbanned?

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