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  • Location
    NYC, NY
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  • Interests
    Tennis, Anime, girls 0_0
  • Bio
    I've traveled around alot and lived in alot of places. Just to name a few I've lived in Syracuse NY; Fairfax VA ; Seoul South Korea; Philadelphia PA; Mt. Laurel NJ; NYC NY. So if I seem a bit wierd its because I have a mix of culture :)

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  1. Thanks for the Birthday wish!! XD I didn't see my profile till now.

  2. In comp if you play a close match it usually drops 3-5 crates. Someone told me before that you only get 2 drops per week, but one of my buddies got 4 drops in the past 3 days (can anyone confirm if there is a cap?). This is what I heard that as one plays the drop rate increases if you haven't gotten a drop. And when you do it starts to decline until the next week, where it should reset and restart the process again.
  3. But what would be special for HG to have it... There are a lot of Arms race servers out there. We should poll to see how many ppl would be interested in doing this. I just want more ppl to play 10 man cs:go or source
  4. -1 i hate you


    1. Dr. Fuckup

      Dr. Fuckup


    2. TofuRak
  6. Where have you been I haven't seen you in ages!

    1. Dr. Fuckup

      Dr. Fuckup

      I'm finishing up my thesis! I miss you! xoxoxoxox

    2. TofuRak


      I miss you tooooo.. Its alright I was working quite busyilly being a busy body booby.

  7. I don't know how to model, but I do have some friends that do modeling. Hit me up with a list of question and I'll try to get back to you with some answers. Also to clarify... I'm not sure if you are talking about modeling, as in fashion modeling (since devnull's comment threw me off). Or modeling as in crafting a replica airplane modeling (type thingie idk)...
  8. It is being Showcased on Feb. 20th in NYC if anyone is interested in finding out.
  9. TofuRak

    HG Dota team?

    I think this would be fun. I haven't been on a while, but I've played enough to be able to play every hero decently