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    CS / Golf / Pornography
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    Single White Female

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  1. I know that was sarcasm from you.. lol. My frustration is legitamate, due to me following procedure. But banned from the 17th of June to this point... and while following protocol? *facepalm
  2. Yeah... wait for one guy that may not be on for who knows... Legitimate bans can be understood, but this is a ban that was not correct to procedure. Poor procedure... Poor quality ban with no report... Poor me... eh? Sigh. Thanks again. (not directed at Kimzy)
  3. 1. Your in-game name: vandium 2. Server that you were banned on: Dallas 3 3. The Banning admin: Unsure 4. Your Steam-Id: STEAM_0:1:238235 5. Reason for ban: Stated it was due to leaving without sub... Please see above...
  4. Hello peeps. I was playing server 3 on the 17th I guess (told by Kimzy) and I left mid match. There was a sub in spec, I told him to join the vent channel and take my spot, and he did. I saw him go into the team channel and then join the team in the server before I left. Was there another procedure that needed to occur, like ask for permission? lol. If the sub left after I saw he connected (vent team chan and game team) then I cannot control that. But I do not think that is what occured... Could I please be unbanned. STEAM_0:1:238235 Thanks....
  5. Hey Vandium, when you get some time, you might want to take a peak at this thread!



    I will beat the crap out of you and steal your bike!

  7. how you been?

  8. van dead?

  9. I just watched the raffle drawing...OMFG...I was laughing out loud so hard.

    That is not what I was expecting! lmao!

  10. But even as you were lost in thought, and kind of zoned out...you still had control of your vehicle. You just forgot...lol.