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a non

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  1. Happy Birthday!

  2. Happy Birthday.

  3. im back bitches, no more mac

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SFB
    3. RedDevil6193
    4. Crysis Shots

      Crysis Shots

      !ban a non ''DONT CALL ME A BITCH , BITCH!'' length - 0

  4. happy birthday biceps

  5. a non

    not abuse [Hg] A Non

    I do not see the relevancy of any of the "evidence" since all it shows is me doing what i'm supposed to as an admin...
  6. a non

    not abuse [Hg] A Non

    A few things I would like to add; a.) None of the allchat was min except one earlier in the night, when i told ct's to stop baiting as they were close enough to be knifed. b.) I didn't "attempt" to slay you out of douchebaggery or anything, my one key on my keyboard ( exclamation mark as well) so it was tough to figure out how to tlist you. c.) I was doing nothing wrong by slaying you. check forums. check motd.
  7. Dont post in ban unban tlist or abuse reports unless its about you or you have any proof.

  8. don't be useless when posting in a ban report

  9. a non

    reviewed [Hg] Anon

    Okay, I realize that I AM supposed to follow the template and follow the correct procedural steps. However sometimes when it is someone who obviously knows the rules and is blatantly disobeying I will skip the warn step and go straight to the step that is ACTUAL PUNISHMENT. I will try to stop and follow protocol from now on though. Regarding the case with archer if you check chat logs he had been warned for about 15 minutes by more then three admins on the server, but nobody had the balls to actually do anything.
  10. a non

    reviewed [Hg] Anon

    LOL apparently its against the rules? you are damn well right that its against the rules. You must be in the general area of lead and other t's unless it is LR or a warday. Not doing this is known as camping. Also considering that right before I did this you made a bug hullabaloo about how you know the rules and you've been here longer blah blah blah as you argued with a different admin I felt since you knew the rules you must have known that you weren't supposed to be in obs doing obstacle.
  11. Obviously i'm not supposed to use admin on other admins. I didnt know he was an admin since he bought admin what, a week ago? I know I should use the !who command but I forgot to because im ignorant and stupid, and assume I know everything about jailbreak:p Anyways what happened was a freekill though and if he was not admin the tlist would stand. I had an awp in stack and he shot me and killed me. However the bullet went through me, killed another t and injured two others.