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    I play css hg jailbreak and bhop a lot. but yes other then that i do have a life.

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Friend of HG (2/10)



  1. whats this i have friends now that will read every word i type....time to abuse.

    1. Nevodka


      implying you have friends

  2. +1 This was actually pretty fun and a fresh new day, you just have to have the rep to run it.
  3. So i'v notice jailbreak has changed a lot since i joined, and for people who have been here much longer then me even more. Some of these changes have been good and bad with ups and downs. The one thing i'v noticed lately though is the lack of people i genuinely enjoy playing with, so that is why i wanted to think back to who made my jailbreaking exprience. (In no specific order) 1.) Sidarius- Aq being the first gang i joined making the game more exciting and fun to rebel as a group 2.) JJk- obviously becuase everyone sees him as the great map ruler, he's fun to play with and likes to fuck around. 3.)Anon- was one of the first people who i always liked playing jailbreak with, never had anything bad to say about him and he made thing intresting. Plus let me do rap battle days. 4.)The Rock (the orginal one not the new one)- For being the person who led the most while i started playing. Can't forget those nasscar days. 5.) Dj-DevilMonkey- just because he was someone to dislike lol, the whole server always use to fuck with him. *special note for BIT (back in time) for being a rival gang, constantly going at AQ, especially that troll ExGbrian haha. I'm sure there are plenty more but these guy's stand out the most. Feel free to share your top 5.
  4. Imprisoned for tons of damage
  5. Imprisoned for trying to pick up rawrash on the corner
  6. Imprisoned for not paying bus fair imprisoned for thinking call of duty is better then css imprisoned for stealing childrens teeth imprisoned for not saving the whales
  7. Lol sure why not, even though i am a bhopper.
  8. I have I was just throwing it out there though.
  9. I love both ideas but for the knife warday it should just be in that area and it shouldn't be too hard to make it so guns won't work seeing though the same thing happens during scouts and knifes
  10. So basically it's just like gatekeeper except you start in deagle cage and try to bhop to vip. I want to see this happen more! make it happen!
  11. From what i saw using them the other night they all seem to mask you exactly the same no mater what the color.
  12. Well long ago i stumbled across bhopping and that was all i would do on CS:S, i would play no other type of game besides that. After i became decent i decided to look for another challenge where i found deathruns and instantly fell in love, between deathruns and bhopping i was set i needed no other type of entertainment. through that course of bhopping for about 2 years i probably ran into HG a few times without realizing it. Slowly i stopped playing CS:S and moved on. Some great time later i realized i hated console games and returned to PC where i dusted off CS:S once again. After playing some of my old favorites i though it would be nice to find another type of game, after going through a bunch like surf, climb, etc. i found jailbreak. i didn't quite understand at first why someone would listen to someone else shout orders at them and listen and find it fun to play. But i started to like it for some odd reason, hours of play turned into days and days turned into weeks and weeks to months and next thing i know i joined HG fell in love with the community and gaming aspect and now play daily.
  13. Haha alright thanks, I should start holding on to my rep now instead of donating it all 24/7
  14. Hey i was just wondering how much rep do you need to have before your bomb explotions in JB become bigger? is there a certain number or are there milestones or something or do you just need a ridiculous amount of rep?