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About TheNoob

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    New york CITY
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    Destroying noobs
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    I dislike noobs

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  1. Its been a long time.

  2. So much happening in the strategy division.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. TheNoob
    3. TheNoob


      I come back in like 3 months and its the same in Strat but HG has changed a lot


    4. iAman


      Ye right don't need to make skay feel good

  3. happy birthday

  4. Hi Hg, Haven't been here in while

  5. Lets do this, I'm back bitches.
  6. Well I mean I'm here but I don't play starcraft anymore
  7. Silver 1 21/16 win loss Can play any position except ADC. Jungle/Top>Support>Mid Top: Jax, Rumble, Garen, Pantheon, Master Yi (lmao), Shen, Nasus Jungle: Xin Zhao, Jarvan IV, Lee Sin, Udyr, Volibear, Elise Mid: Zed, Yasuo and Orianna Support: Thresh, Blitzcrank, Alistar, Taric and Leona AncGearGolem
  8. it has been done before by me and boxer. Its an great idea its just really hard to get people together but, when we do its so much fun.