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Poohunter last won the day on July 26 2014

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About Poohunter

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    Vancouver, Canadia
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  1. Happy birthday!!!!


  3. Ayyyy fam happy birthday

  4. Rawrash and nobody else otherwise they'd be the third wheel.
  5. thanks for liking my admin application post

  6. Poohunter

    Internet Speed

    Time for some Third world Canadian internet.
  7. Keep in mind with cases you could also get $300 worth of stuff you could sell for a knife. You also might not though. I'm not one for gambling so I would just buy it.
  8. If you're already getting and A in the class, I guarantee there is no way in hell you'll fail these "exit exams", unless you cheated on everything else. Do your studying and make sure you understand the material, and you won't have anything to worry about. In my area, you can usually find online pdf versions of provincial exams from previous years, basically telling you everything you need to know. Anyone who did their shit properly will pass a test like that with ease. The questions will always be more simple than that of a unit/chapter test given out to you by your teacher.
  9. Do you watch Summit1g? and are you that mod in ur sig