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Turok The Troll Hunter

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    I have 4 Read Below
  • Interests
    Martial Arts, Guns
  • Bio
    Hello there,
    In game I am Turok The Troll Hunter, any other time it is Michael.
    I am 31, and I live in Chicago. I am married and have one dog, his name is Vin,(Short for Vincent) he is an American Pit Bull & Rhodesian Ridgeback mix.

    I am a two tour combat Infantry Vet. I served with the 1st Cav Divison in the Army, based in Ft. Hood Texas and I was Duel MOS. 11C (Infantry Mortarmen) and 11B (Urban Infantry Combat Specialist)

    I have 4 jobs and now own 3 businesses:
    1. I am the GM at a jewelry/gemstore.
    2. I have put myself through school to become a massge therapist, and then a structural therapist, and own my own practice doing bodywork.
    3. I own my own martial arts business, and have a large age range of students.
    4. I am the founder and CEO of Type This, in which I make steampunk themed jewelry from vintage 1922 typewriters.

    I have been studying martial arts for 23 years now, my studies include:
    Bartitsu.- The lost martial arts of Sherlock Holmes.
    Bartitsu is a combination of:
    Jujitsu in the style of Shinden Fudo Ryu
    Vigney Cane fighting system
    English bare knuckle fisticuff boxing
    La Savat KickBoxing
    Here is some info about Bartitsu:
    http://www.bartitsu.org/ (when you scroll down, you will see a picture under the title "Antagonisticathletes" I am the chap on the far right with the newspaper.) http://fortezafitnes....ub-of-chicago/ (I am the guy taking down the guy in the mask.)
    http://www.chicagotr....,2792810.photo (I am the finely dressed fellow.)

    I am a Rapier swordsmen with the chicago swordplay guild.
    I just started learning 14th century longsword as well with the guild.
    I study modern blade combatives, created by Michael Janich (Who is coming in April to Forteza located here in Chicago IL. to do a 2 day seminar!!)

    Krav Maga for weapon disarms
    Silat for modern street defense
    Muay thay kick boxing -Level 3 full contact fighter.(Was trained by Thiwrong Kungtangta in Thailand)
    Tae Kwon Do (Traditional)
    I have also studied a wide variety of Asian weapons:Katana (Studied in Japan for Bushido), Nunchuku, Sai,Kama, Escrimma,Kali,Arnis,Bo/Jo/3 section staff, Emmi Piercers & Sobo, and the straight Chineese Jin.

    As far as gaming goes:
    I am primarily in the Dust 2 unlimited DM, and Crackhouse DM. Look me up sometime.

    Thanks for reading!!!

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Elite Member (5/10)



  1. I haven't seen you in a MINUTE! xD

  2. I think having the ability to read MOTDs in game is important. Is there anyway that HG can just fix the problem? It is, after all something that they advertise being a benefit of being a gold member.
  3. Why is it I pay for a Gold Account and still have to listen to ads in game? When I enter a server it is supposed to NOT have ads, but I am forced to listen to them every time I log I to Source. The two main maps I play are: DM Dust2 unlimited, and DM Crackhouse. Please answer my question ASAP, as no ads is what is advertised with the Gold package, so there should be NO ads that I am forced to listen to when entering a server. Thank you.
  4. So I JUST NOW finished building (and installing software) my first custom self build rig!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. kevin
    3. Turok The Troll Hunter

      Turok The Troll Hunter

      I didn't have any trouble with mine, it was a little awkward balancing my intercooler radiator in one hand and screwing my heatsink in with the other.

      but my rig is pretty bad ass and for not having read a single book or watch a single youtube vid, it has not blown up and I am on it now...so I guess I did it right.

    4. #define


      Rich guys, rich guys everywhere D:

  5. Just got a call for the Transformers 4 movie!!! Wooohoo!!! I Am Totally Loving My Life!!!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Turok The Troll Hunter

      Turok The Troll Hunter

      It is a Featured Speaking role, not "Main" per say, but it may involve stunts also. I have not gone over the full offer, as of yet as I was on set for Divergent for 20 hours yesterday, and am soooo fucking tired because I still have to work my normal 4 jobs.

    3. Turok The Troll Hunter

      Turok The Troll Hunter

      Thanks Excalibur, and mccain....


    4. XxwonderbredxX


      That's whats upp! Did you go in Skokie for the casting event.. It was right across the street from the Purple Hotel on Touhy..

  6. We were seen by some fans who posted this instantly on twitter!! https://twitter.com/_JessFlores_/status/343829080849907713/photo/1

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. WhataWackaMonk


      Your an extra for Divergent? That's awesome!

    3. Turok The Troll Hunter

      Turok The Troll Hunter

      Yes I am, In the second photo I am with the group the Theo, and I hang with She and Zoe between sets.

    4. Turok The Troll Hunter
  7. So I am in an upcoming film being produced by Lionsgate, another 17 hour shoot day on set, and more to come at 5:30 am...

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. DeathShot


      I'll be looking forward to hearing more about this :)



    3. ASCII


      when u join scientology and become a big star kiss oprah for me with some toungue.


    4. Turok The Troll Hunter

      Turok The Troll Hunter

      Lol. The film is called Divergent, and it is based off the novel by Veronica Roth. Lionsgate has released this information, so I can as well without violating my privacy contract.

  8. BTW I was charged for my admin only 8 days ago according to my bank statement. There should be no issues.
  9. I logged in to game tonight, and went into Dust2unlimited as I normally do, only to find that my premium works but my admin does not. My account is up to date, and I have no abuse reports against me. Sooo, can anyone tell me WTF happened to my admin? This is something that I pay for, and I do not abuse it, I would like this fixed ASAP!
  10. I pity you because you suck so bad you HAVE to hack.

  11. Headed to England in September to teach the 2013 International Bartitsu School of Arms!!

  12. Did you randomly friend everyone in HG?

    1. Provin


      nah but i did friend a lot of people and theres a reason for it