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    Not sure.. for now just rolling with HG

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  1. Hey guys im back and while my internet was out it looks like a missed my interview for perp mod -.-


    ill get it next time xD

    Wish me luck

  2. Wish me luck applied for monorator

    1. ASCII


      monorator isnt in the scabble dictionary, null entry.

  3. I would like my tags to remain untill I give me final disison
  4. Happy holidays everyone!

  5. Hey everyone I am stopping my subscriptions to the Gmod divisions and Am thinking about leaving the division all together Gmod is only game i really like on steam thus I could be leaving [HG]. The number 1 reason is rules are nowhere being enforced when i am online. Which destroy's the fun of Perp and kills the once friendly gaming envirment, just to add to it the Perp Mods / And DA's plus cant do anything about unless they see. If I feel needed to record 24/7 just to play the game is not worth it to me. I find dark Rp boring so that is out of the question. I can deal with getting RDM'd a few times Because it is perp I expect it. But multiple times in same day is crazy. I only end up playing for 15 mins then leaving server as soon as I get RDM'd (Primarily PERP) With that being said it has been nothing but a fun and wonderful learning and gaming experience I will be popping in and out of perp and rp to see if things change mabye 1 every 2-3 weeks or so A special Thanks to Rizon & Superskreech And one more thing I will be on soon to give away 2mill perp cash!!!!! Happy holidays everyone!
  6. http://www.change.org/petitions/help-put-torey-s-murderer-behind-bars-for-life petitions above info: http://www.wesh.com/Charges-Upgraded-To-Murder-In-Baby-s-Death/-/11788876/13119966/-/item/1/-/c9o0cz/-/index.html All I got to say is read the report and Help put a baby stommper to death!
  7. its when i start gmod its self and nothing is working!
  8. I tryed -dxlevel 80 and now it dosent come up at all
  9. the game overlay comes up and before the loading bar pops up it closes
  10. When ever i open gmod it closes for no reason is their a way to fix this?
  11. Hello Rizon it has been a week or so since i posted my promotion thread and you told me to send you the link if i would like you to take it from there. Here is the link and thank you.



  12. when you get a chance, come on teamspeak and talk with me. Thank you.