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Friend of HG
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Friend of HG

Friend of HG (2/10)



  1. i just realised iM ur avatar. lol

  2. I killed people in Jailbreak before it was cool. Lots of them.
  3. Name: Go Greased Lightning SteamID: STEAM_0:0:44428981 Server: Jailbreak Time: Around 7:40 Mountain Time Proof: http://i.imgur.com/aMtBI.png Incident: I am being a good ct and following the rules, and I kill a red guy when he goes up a ladder, I later get slayed and I am told that I freekilled him, even though he was obviously red, with proof in console.
  4. Negative One -1

  5. Negative One -1

  6. http://i.imgur.com/sXxnB.jpg for a better look.
  7. Lol you can see parts of Cletus trolling in his own screens.
  8. Well since I saw this coming, I would like you to know that cletus was talking plenty of shit, and nothing went unprovoked, just the normal argument, I have plenty of witnesses and this: http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/mt/cletusreport.png
  9. Silenced

    Apology Thread

    synC you have hurt me dearly, the way you verbally abuse me in 10 man's has emotionally destroyed me, and I am not sure if I can forgive you for that. Nope, definitely not.