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Friend of HG (2/10)



  1. When the new servers go online, will all the data from the old servers such as stats, money, etc be deleted?
  2. [video=youtube;s30S9j729Q0] This video speaks for itself. tl;dw: Darkrp needs more players + admins, less minges.
  3. heeping jerthbay.

  4. Welcome to HG!

  5. Hey guys, I'm Frardvark! I've been in 3 previous gaming communities that were much smaller than this one, so it is a bit overwhelming, but I'm hoping I can find some friends to game with here. I play most Valve games and I'm a big fan of the Civilization series. I also play BF3, Mag, and a few other games on the PS3. I'm looking forward to being a part of HG!
  6. Whenever I try to connect to the Help Desk, it just keeps saying "Insufficient Permissions"