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Lonely Stoner

Friend of HG
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    0.00 USD 


Profile Information

  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    yuba city California
  • Occupation
    Auto mecanic In training
  • Interests
    weed an beer and boobs and game.
  • Bio
    I am the lonely

Gamer Tags

  • Minecraft
  • XBOX Live
    Lonely Stoner X

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Lonely Stoner's Achievements

Advanced Member II

Advanced Member II (4/10)



  1. There is officially no hallowpoint or fmj of any caliber in any store within 100 miles of me. The buckshot is also gone. All in all im pretty heated.

    1. ASCII


      use the walmart app to see when they restock, i wait in line 3 hours to get some ammo, i do it at least 2 times a month


    2. Lonely Stoner

      Lonely Stoner

      Will do... thanks ascii.

  2. For PS1 my favorite game was LSD. I never owned a PS2.
  3. Been awhile, but im glad to have the time to be an active member once again

  4. So is HG gonna have people on TS3 guard duty? Because then I call Fascism
  5. If you've ever spent 10-20 minutes hitting a metal bar with a pen so you could hear the laser sounds, you might be a pothead.

  6. I love you Hellsgamers, you are the closest thing to friends I have at a dark time in my life. I know thats really sad, but my best friends are boulth in mental hospitles, so drinking is really my fuel

    1. ASCII


      we are the happy part of the internet. ur always welcome here bro.

    2. Isaac


      keep drinking


    3. Lonely Stoner

      Lonely Stoner

      aye aye captn!

  7. I pity you mortals

    1. MarylandUSA


      lvl 99 godlike yolo swag

    2. TH3GuyWithAKnife


      Hah! Only level 99? You SUCK!


  8. got so high i fell in love with a strawberry:3

    1. 10.Guy


      at least strawberrys love back


  9. 1 . where is waldo 2. can i have sex with you? 3. how much fuel to go to the dark side of the moon? 4. what kind of fuel? 5. how far is it? 6. Am I catbug? 7.are you catbug?? 8. MYNAMEICATBUGWHATSYOURS 9. on a scale of 1-10 how bad am I at test making 10. Is this a test? 11.booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  10. I love each and every single one of you in hellsgamers! exept reddevil . I SUPERLOVE reddevil

    1. MarylandUSA


      You... Super... Love him? :'(



    3. Lonely Stoner

      Lonely Stoner

      and i love to post on helsgamers when on CCCs... loving the megahigh me


  11. My sis said she needed a new DVD player, so i told her to go get an Xbox 1.

  12. School, why are you still here? Go home it's summertime.