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xafizzle last won the day on July 31 2013

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  1. late night jb > any other game

  2. Got kicked by a bunch of salty players when I was top fragging because I was using the shotgun too much. #goldlogic

  3. VP are playing like such scrubs on inferno

  4. So VP and LDLC are having a rematch because KQLY cheated. Where are the skins I lost in that first match?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. hgdallas
    3. persianskillzz


      I lost my AK and DArkwater when i bet on LDLC against Dig, fucking pathetic :(

    4. xafizzle


      Never bet on LDLC. They are so passive that it hurts to watch.

  5. Hoping solo queue is gonna be nicer to me tonight. inb4 i get paired with shitty scrubs that bottom frag and call me shit. gg ntsia

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. n0y0u


      Bah its only one my time lol

    3. persianskillzz


      lol aight fizz

    4. n0y0u


      Persian stay out of this the love is already to thick

  6. Although it sucks not to rank up, it means you can keep dropping 30-bombs ezpz against gold scrubs ez$$$$$$$$$$$$
  7. After 137 hours, I finally have the polaroid on binding of isaac

  8. Who'd everyone bet on in U5 v cRev? #moneyontheunderdog

    1. Anthony
    2. xafizzle


      the aim. it hurts. they're shooting like silvers

  9. Na'Vi just keeps shittin on NiP. #nomorebets

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Anthony


      o_o bless you

    3. xafizzle


      I'm so glad I didn't bet on that match

    4. Anthony


      i did..


      lost 18 cents

  10. xafizzle


    who's sia. i keep hearing about him in 10mans. gg am i cool yet
  11. Just in case the extreme stupidity of that didn't make it clear, I wasn't being serious. If anything that was the only downside I could see to going there.
  12. Has anyone ever told you that you're a real dingaling hobknockin' wanka?

    1. BukLau


      Not exactly. But they say there's always a first time. :)

    2. xafizzle
    3. BukLau


      That's wut i did 2 ur mam m8

  13. Like a chiropractor I'm back and making my introduction again. My name is xafizzle and I'm an alcoholic. But srsly hey everyone. I've been quite a douche canoe in the past but I'm trying to work on that. I play CS:S all the time and when I don't I'm playing Binding of Isaac. I do love me some TF2, L4D2, BL2, Killing Floor, Terraria, and pretty much every other game in my library but I never play them because I don't have any friends. Anyways I love rap, bowling, skiing, and I just accepted my offer of admission to CU Boulder (#all4theweed #4/20blaze #iputthehashinhashtag)
  14. xafizzle

    cs:go Remove Rambo Wardays

    It doesn't make lag at all in CSS. And as much as I hate rambo dungeon wardays and I think they're just as bad as the knife arena button, they can be fun sometimes.