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Snoopy :)

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    bruh, thug lyfe

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  1. can you make a sig better than paul or r u jelly? because u cant lol

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. KiKaZz epic bro

      KiKaZz epic bro

      Well i am not going to argue with you any more because you arw hard headed but it is what ever

    3. Snoopy :)

      Snoopy :)

      you're in denial :(

      it's kind of sad, i kind of want to help you.

      anyways, our "argument" is over i guess.

    4. ASCII


      Kikazz dont start shit on the forums. inb4 i hand out forum warning points. take notice.

  2. I wanted critique not a blatant fuck you.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Paul :)

      Paul :)

      I don't think so..

    3. Paul :)

      Paul :)

      Anyways, I don't want to argue over something you think is right when it obviously isn't .

    4. ASCII


      u guys are stoopid, locked

  3. I knew people wouldn't really want it for the stickers but i just wanted to try and see xD
  4. Fuck, you managed to found out about my evil plot
  5. thanks i'll try that why do i sense hostility? did i do something wrong?
  6. I have a Famas | spitfire (field tested) for sale (not for money) and it has 4 stickers that total up to $131 It is also renamed "swagfire" i'm trading the famas for any skins that total up to $20 (you can't trade me more than 4 skins) NOTE: idc what skins you trade me as long as it totals up to $20 screenshots: http://steamcommunit...s/?id=356804752 http://steamcommunit...s/?id=356804704 stickers on the famas: Sticker | titan (holo) katowice 2014 ($64) Sticker | Team dignitas (holo) katowice 2014 ($22) Sticker | LDLC (holo) katowice 2014 ($37) Sticker | ESL skull (foil) katowice 2014 ($8) which totals up to $131 add me if interested EDIT: the titles says $120 worth of stickers but it's $131 my bad can someone change my title i forgot about the rule or just remove it and i'll make a new one
  7. i'm not sure what you mean by a regular clean. but what i did for power clean was i just did a power clean without doing the jerk (school doesn't allow it).
  8. i'm 159 lbs last time i check I have this class in my school called weight training and conditioning and i just lift in there. I don't really lift outside of class. don't you mean vids edit: i messed up the quotes oops
  9. In my opinion, I have some very significant gains. Here are my max's 2 months ago squat:210 lbs bench:150 lbs My new max's are squat: 260 lbs bench:200 lbs I also just started doing power cleans and maxed 185 lbs
  10. anyone got steam trading cards they don't want?

  11. ldlc vs nip

    best game n/a

    1. Cosmic


      +1 ldlc <333333

  12. I've been lifting for 6 months and i can do 4 reps of my squat max and 3 reps of my bench max.
  13. I just did my max for squat and bench Squat: 210 lbs Bench: 140 lbs pretty happy with the results I'm 15 and weigh 156 lbs. EDIT: Oh and i also want to get your guys opinion about my max's considering my age and weight. I'm 5"9 if you guys need to know.
  14. why is your text red EDIT: I mean i know why your text is red but why did you made your text red? you think you're special?