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About Mr.Darkjoker

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    The Seventh Circle of Hell
  • Occupation
    Sadly Unemployed :(

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  1. Happy birthday! Enjoy your day!!

  2. Hey everyone long time no see. I am just stopping by to see how the community is doing im glad everyone is well. My Division still seems dead but oh well long live the Css Div. I see Jailbreak is still dead perhaps one day it'll make a glorious return until then ill be rolling over in my grave. So yeah feels nice to come back and see a lot of new members. "All Tee's freeze!"
  3. So yeah.... Love the new leadership every time I check in I notice AQ keeps taking over. I am also thinking really hard about being a part of csgo JB. If any of my good chums are still around let me know if its worth the change. I'm not dead yet, there's still plenty of rebelling left inside me sooooo watch out jb police!! :3
  4. Checking in after a good while my division has all disappeared and god knows where the fuck they are. Same thing with my peeps from AQ. Miss all of you crazy fuckers. CSS for life!
  5. I'm still alive.

    1. Arya Mad?

      Arya Mad?

      Good to see you're still kicking.

  6. WOOOOOOO congratz AQAQAQ

  7. If you are reading this letter now then odds are I've been dead due to starvation inside my cell on the top row. Months have gone by were the guards gave little to no shit's about us inmates. What was left of the royal blood line of AQ perished into History among the walls of JB. From this point on our existence of living will become tales of the great first comers to set foot inside the penitentiary. My brothers and I were not only armed with our shivs but our knowledge, strength, and passion to assure that the lead would not make it to LR. Too much time has passed by to revive the legends of JB. What went on within the walls was something you would only believe would truly happen inside Hell itself. The warden would beat us on an hourly basis and forcing us to jump over molten lava. I lost too many of what I would call friends to this type of torture. Until a man walked in and said to us inmates he was not gonna stand by idle and watch as the guards beat, raped, and murdered our kind. He stood in the face of Satan himself and pissed on him thus creating AQ. Not only did Sidarius create an empire he made history and now all of it rests within the penitentiary. RIP CSS JB RIP Royal AQ Bloodline
  8. Mr.Darkjoker

    cs:s Reunion?

    That would be great but css jailbreak passed away. After days in the surgery room poor old gal just couldn't do it.
  9. Consuela running the csgo jb (; ... Good that shit hole needs LAW!