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Vypor v²

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  1. I just saw this... OK, but ill run along with your story then ill take a switch to mine. #1 You did not tell SpaceHusky to stop playing music. #2 If you were receiving complaints, at least you could of told me I made a mistake instead of taking a pissy on yourself. I unmuted him because it was Unfair. Basically it was a warday and on the old server they may play any song they wish on HLDJ on jailbreak. I thought it runs the same here I have read all rules and so on I must of missed it. So, I don't have a stand here I did undo your command and I apologize. If you wish to do something it was my first mistake and you're not the whole lets say teacher. You could of told me it's against the rules but no you just wanna give it to me up the arse mate... Anyways, Im sorry and it was only 1 mistake -__-
  2. ^^ This Primary: AK-47 ( Kalashnikov) (Silenced) Secondary: D SR Precision D SR 50 Sniper Rifle (Silenced/Thermal [ON/OFF]) Pick a good location: SECRET PLACE! {only 300 rounds for primary and 150 rounds for secondary} How would you survive: Go with my father as he is a SAS Soldier in the 22nd Regiment. So Booyaa... For me he knows a lot of secret places so whichever secret place he wants to go too Oh and then steal the Bentley my next door neighbor has
  3. God, I just found cosmo on the forums O_O

  4. Thank you All for the nice comments
  5. Well then i'll remove it because being cocky is far from what i really am
  6. Hey my name is Vypor and well I have been with this community for a year and a half... I stopped playing once the fa****s rolled in But know I'm a recruit and I would love to meet you guys (Broke my mic but buying one today) Buh Bye Faburlous People!
  7. O_O? Seriously i wouldn't mess with you LEL YES I WOULD