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Ya Sure

Friend of HG
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    los angeles

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  • SteamID 3
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Ya Sure's Achievements

Advanced Member II

Advanced Member II (4/10)



  1. quit being a nerd and stay out of trouble this time :-)

  2. Ya Sure

    unbanned Unban Request

    yeah just wanted to make a unban request I got banned for making a ddos joke i was saying it to someone i was friendly with and he knew it was a joke and didn't mind but i said it while knowing the rules about making ddos threats and just wanted to say i apologize i like playing on hg servers i would like to get unbanned
  3. Nice name, happy cake day

  4. Happy birthday!

  5. happu birthday aussie


  6. fuck me daddy

    1. Duphin


      Hump Me


    2. Jxhn


      daddy better choke me

  7. Abuse Report Abuser Name -hg- floops Abuser's Steam ID/Unique ID STEAM_0:0:115543851 Where did this occur? CS:GO What server? jailbreak How long ago did this take place? 20 minutes ago Give us a brief description of the incident. slayed another admin Proof Links? http://imgur.com/a/ITQ1Z
  8. Joe: "i thought you were dead man"

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Raptor


      i miss you and i need you

    3. Xaioa


      Xaioa: ''I'd wish you were dead man''

    4. SNOWKID


      snowkid: "Archer + terry = Archery"

  9. mofo gratz dude