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Shadowhuntress last won the day on October 4 2015

Shadowhuntress had the most liked content!

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    Photo editor
  • Interests
    Drawing, painting, anything that has to do with art
  • Bio
    Hi everyone. I am from Serbia (European country) so you probably can't pronounce my name, but I am Milica. I am just another girl who enjoy gaming, so if you want to play you can always add me on steam (search for Sedouhanterka). Bandsexual, love punk & rock, anime is love anime is life,.. My whole life is based on grapfic designing. I fell in love with photoshop and forums when I was 7. I would like to learn Japanese. Also, part of GFX team.
    If you need any kind of help feel free to message me on forum or find me on TS, I'd like to help.

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Elite Member II (6/10)



  1. Herro peeps, how are you all? c:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Xaioa
    3. Belle


      good. you?

    4. Shadowhuntress


      I just saw this lol

      I'm pretty nice, thanks

      Miss ya too Hue<3

  2. Lemme update this after such long time! Channel art for my YouTube channel: http://imgur.com/74uQPlN
  3. Hey

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. harp


      U do request anymore?

    3. harp
    4. Shadowhuntress


      Was not here for quite some time. Ye, I could do requests. :)

  4. Happy New year!

    1. KarmaOfPain


      happy new years!

    2. Dreamy


      Happy new years Shadow!

  5. Thanks guys. It's been a lot of change there. Starting with this video > Just uploaded new one, me being dumb, opening cases >
  6. Seeing you being a total dicks about people leaving is the exact reason I left. Stop judging and everything you're doing. If someone wanted to leave, he wants to leave, I SD not see the problem. I'll be on forums, I just don't need any tags and for me there's not any reason to stay. If you' keep doing this you're making it even worse. So if you wanna stay on community cause you like it stop acting like a dick. Stop with this shit. For all good peeps out there, see ya in game and on forums.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Tut


      King & Jaspaa has already pointed out important things to bare in mind, now chill down pal and drink some tea. It helps!

    3. jonmac5037


      ye drink tea and eat crumpets i recommend it

  7. I finished last episode in Game of Thrones - A Telltale Games Series, and now I can go cry myself to sleep

    1. ongames


      Nice try Telltale games