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  1. Happy birthday!

  2. China is deleting all of our status updates #Trump2016

  3. I see you admins creeping on my profile, like what up bb, want some smooches or something?

  4. When four people are not doing it, and 60% of the remainder of the T's lived, then I will not repeat. I would suggest turning up your volume, and/or focusing more on the order as a general solution to fix any kind of problem that may arise.
  5. haddapy birthdaypypy

    1. Blade223333


      Thanks lol but that was like 2 weeks ago


  6. Is it okay to be a border line alcoholic on your birthday? I think yes is always the answer.

  7. Blade, find me in steam asap.

  8. I would like to late post that I've been in HG for 5 years. Is this like CSGO and I get a vet coin??


  9. Me and Kas would like to announce he is pregnant with our bum baby. We have decided on the name -hg- kabladerino223333.

  10. Thanks Blade223333, I don't think I'v seen you before. Just take a seat.

  11. Whats your name?